No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
It is not a gaming site and their target demo isn't gamers. Assuming the editorial staff know what they are doing, and they probably do, the review fits with the site.
And why is it strange to have a noob review a genre? Why should every review have to come from the perspective of a racing sim enthusiast? I wouldn't want that. I'm glad reviews range from that IRL racer in Spain all the way to that woman who has never played a sim in her life. Its all good.
[I can't help but think though, there would be no posts about it if it was either not numerically scored, or she had given the game a 9.5]
The problem is the article just screams plain outright ignorance. Which should not be the case when one is doing a "review".
As mentioned before varying opinions is great, like a debate for example. But that is only if all members have an actual idea of whats being discussed.