The rebalance patch is up!!!
Agielba is still shit
Dat numbers
Jesus, they made her useful.
forgive my ignorance , but is there a place to get the patch notes in english ?
Alright, you're in Charge! Fuck yeah!Dat numbers
I thought we couldn't get a suptix while summer characters are available, but looking at the "all available characters" list, aside from summer Helnar they seem to be in a separate draw pool so I guess it could still be possible... But in my experience surprise tickets are usually made available right at the end/beginning of a month, so I don't know.
edit: ignore me, there are many more summer characters available in the full list than just Helnar, Zeta, Narumeia and Sara are in there as well.. But then why wouldn't Lancelot, Heles, Lunalu and Camieux also be in there?
Right now it's not characters that I'm lacking, it's a grid that isn't lame and made of mismatched event weapons. No suptix can help with that I'm afraid.
On another note, I'm getting hella honours from the Slice of Summer redux, but since there isn't a honour-based reward pool this time around, that doesn't actually do anything, right?
So they are! Mmmh, I guess I could keep grinding the event for crystals, but I finished MLBing that sword I could only bring to 1* with difficulty last year. At least with Korwa and slightly better summons/weapons I can do the solo extreme fight pretty easily now so, progress! Damn that blindfold though. I should bring a Clear but I'm too bent on having the two Treasure Hunter debuffs (also known as the Placebo of Lies and Deceit).It's for the honors related event trophies which might still be around I believe.
So they are! Mmmh, I guess I could keep grinding the event for crystals, but I finished MLBing that sword I could only bring to 1* with difficulty last year. At least with Korwa and slightly better summons/weapons I can do the solo extreme fight pretty easily now so, progress! Damn that blindfold though. I should bring a Clear but I'm too bent on having the two Treasure Hunter debuffs (also known as the Placebo of Lies and Deceit).
You can also delay its 50%HP trigger that inflicts Blindfold with Paralysis if you can land it at the right time though that won't last long, but otherwise the simplest way to mitigate this would be to cast a barrier (Athena, Gawain etc.) before you go over the threshold then use a Bishop with Clarity or an off-Element healer with Clear like Sophia.i'm hoping i can autobattle the ex without too much trouble with my shitty wind grid. I might have to make some adjustments and see if i have a weapon that clears on ougi or something though
Depending what the Legfes is at the end of the month, it might be worth starting then.completely forgot about this game until i learned you could play it in a browser so i decided to give it a shot. rolled a lady grey as the guaranteed SSR and got a Catherine from the tickets. i just learned about the premium galas though. is one going to happen at the end of this month and might it be worthwhile to sit on this account for a bit and reroll then?
also somewhat confused about upgrading weapons from what i read in the guide in the op. so there's leveling them up normally and then leveling up the skills as two different things? so leveling up whatever SR/SSR weapons i have at the moment is fine (since i'm approaching the 300 slot limit) as long as i'm not spending weapons to upgrade the skills?
Depending what the Legfes is at the end of the month, it might be worth starting then.
If you can wait until the end of August, that's when we should be getting a swimsuit event that you should reroll multiple accounts on.
Hi, currently my crew is on massive recruitment (looking for 9 member) to join our semi-competitive crew (that means we focus on Tier A Prelim and drop the finals).
Currently we are seeded so the plan is to slack and drop out in next GW. Our main goal is to have more members for upcoming GW and new HL raid update.
What we offer:
- Usual Crew buffs
- Strike Time at 22.00 - 00.00 JST
- So far we have been in A Tier for 3 Consecutive GWs
Looking For :
- Rank 101+ (or lower if the progression is good)
- Have at least 1 decent grid (Half-full grid preferable)
- Be active in game and chat
- At least 2m quota at Prelim (The quota will increase later if we grows stronger).
Our Main communication language is English. We have facebook chat and discord. P.S: Our result in last 3 GW.
Fire : 2400
Light : 511
Dark : 116 (seeded)
This is going to be the first time I play the Fenrir/Cerberus Showdown, the other times I couldnt put effort into it, are any of this weapons worth anything if I dont have Hades/Varuna/Baha/Bonito?
You never know what you'll pull in a spark! At the least get your 0* fimbuls and cerbs ready for transcendence.
and for the heck of it someone compared people with the same VA between the show and gbf
I am interested in joining, Rank 107 with almost full FLB wind grid and on my way of finishing my earth grid for next GW (one 1* sword, 5 3* sword looking for getting an extra harp on xeno vohu and geting the mats that are left for FLB the swords, gated mostly by whorls and fodder). Also working on a base grid for the rest of the elements but Im still far from most, will try to get a base fire at least for wind GW in september.
one thing is that Im European so I wont be discord active during GW matches because work but I can still meet the 2M quota playing on my lunch break for prelims. Idk if thats a problem, Im fairly active the rest of the day for Raids or whatever.
If you are interested tell me so I can drop from my current crew.
Need those potions...haha, there's nothing sadder than crew skills timing out and you realising just how dependant you are on them
So I can fairly reliably beat the Maniac Vohu Manrah, but I just wasted 3 Elixers before realizing I needed to cut my losses on the Extreme Xeno clash (I just couldn't keep Korwa alive at all). Saying I don't have a Wind Grid is a massive understatement (I have 1 lvl 40 gun, and a couple of draw SSRs).
Should I just keep joining raids and hoping for good drops, or should I just ignore this event?
I leeched about 80 berries worth of ep, and got 1 harp and 1/3 of the way to the second.
Yeah I... still can't do Xeno Vohu Solo. Even with Korwa, even with Gawain watching our collective bacon, even with Birdman dealing out sweet damage with Korwa bufffs... I manage to stay alive until about 50% and then it just OVERDRIVE and it's time to die.
But, it's progress nonetheless. In Granblue, the numbers just go up, little. by. very. little.
Stupid question, probably: Xeno raids, who starts them, how? Do they just sprout out of thin air and people join them?
Never joined Xeno Vohu the first time since my Wind grid back then was non-existent. With Row IV classes+Grid+SSRs, I currently found my setup to farm with Luchador/Mellissabelle/Arriet/S.Zooey to just blast through EX and NM70. I'm still joining raids, but I find it really slow and despite getting MVP/ViceMVP, I've got shit drops on those god forsaken red chests. Those Sutras just won't drop for me, and the two flips that I got were fucking Vohu summons. RNGesus pls! I just hope I can get 50 more Sutras before the 24th.
Xeno farming is suffering...
Bonus question: is there a reason people might want to branch towards just final uncap the harp over forging the "true" one? I mean, do they offer different benefits depending on what you'd rather do, or is it just two ways of reaching the same result?
uncapping the normal way is strictly worse since you miss access to the final skill on the weapon and the mats are more valuable. You could uncap one to true to use of mainhand and the other the regular way if you find yourself swimming on stones and the other mats for regular uncap and prefer to not waste more silver bricks or champion certs I guess.
The other reason to uncap the normal way may be that you miss some of the event exclusive mats after it ends so your only choice is the regular way or just wait for a rerun.
Xeno Cocytus/Sagittarius/Diabolos/Corow when
Cyka claims one of these will not be dropping this year.
Logic suggests the no-show 2k17 will be Diablos.
Lulz suggest it will be Cocy.