Pretty interesting to see how other countries already treat their dubs of One Piece and it may help to put things into perspective for whatever 4Kids DOES change. Edits aside, if 4Kids manages to keep the characters' names and so on, its already a step up from the Greek version. So, I guess the moral of the story is that no matter how bad 4Kids might fuck it up in the US, *it could be worse.*
That said, I had a really screwed up dream last night in which the characters from OP were ripped, Williams Street style, from the anime and put into an educational show for preschoolers by 4Kids.
Now, at that age, it would've been fun to learn addition with Luffy and all, but still it did make me physically shudder when I woke up.
Pretty interesting to see how other countries already treat their dubs of One Piece and it may help to put things into perspective for whatever 4Kids DOES change. Edits aside, if 4Kids manages to keep the characters' names and so on, its already a step up from the Greek version. So, I guess the moral of the story is that no matter how bad 4Kids might fuck it up in the US, *it could be worse.*
That said, I had a really screwed up dream last night in which the characters from OP were ripped, Williams Street style, from the anime and put into an educational show for preschoolers by 4Kids.