Hmmm, seems like all the cut mussic is still in game files and the script that prevents them from playing is buggy
I have witnessed projects with teams where every single member was incredible incompetent yet they where true masters in presenting things in a way that made things look working and earn praise. Man I can only image how those dudes made carefully scripted demos and presentation to R* excess and now we have this turd which even infringes copyright of others, wow.
Here another great example:
I'm sorry for spamming the thread, but look at this shit lol
Some dude went there, added some subdivisions, slightly extruded all faces to make it look organic and bam here is your remaster, work done! But now you have broken bone weights along the mesh which causes those "extra" joints issues. This is literally some Fiverr shit work by some 3rd world kid learning blender on youtube.
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