If these numbers hold true and the DS is $180 and PSP upwards of $300 - I guaran-damn-tee it will outsell BOTH of the systems. I can't believe so many people are counting out the GBA, a system that is STILL the highest selling in the world - and I'm sure when June NPD comes out will be higher than the PS2 with the classic NES series. Things the GBA still has going for it, upon the launch of both systems:
- Price: It should be significantly cheaper than either system - and really cheaper if Nintendo decides to drop the price.
- Classic: More NES Classic game should be coming, and June's NPD should show that ld school is a big seller.
- Big hits: Yes there's still many big hits - and the drug known as Pokemon has been yet to be released here, which wil once again sell millions for Nintendo, with ANOTHER one coming to Japan this year. And there still remains Zelda, Mario Pinball, Final Fantasy, Donkey Kong, among many others.
The Game Boy Advance is far from a pushover, and its price compared to other handhelds will become a great advantage - especially if games are also upwards of $50.
- Price: It should be significantly cheaper than either system - and really cheaper if Nintendo decides to drop the price.
- Classic: More NES Classic game should be coming, and June's NPD should show that ld school is a big seller.
- Big hits: Yes there's still many big hits - and the drug known as Pokemon has been yet to be released here, which wil once again sell millions for Nintendo, with ANOTHER one coming to Japan this year. And there still remains Zelda, Mario Pinball, Final Fantasy, Donkey Kong, among many others.
The Game Boy Advance is far from a pushover, and its price compared to other handhelds will become a great advantage - especially if games are also upwards of $50.