The year is 2025. Despite illegal activities, coverups, poor customer service, and a system they can never quite control, CC Corp's line of "The World" games is still going strong 18 years after launch. Versus: The World is a spinoff running alongside the current iteration of "The World" much like Crimson VS & "The World" R:2 did back in 2017. Since this is a fighting game rather than an MMO, players across the globe can only hope it's system is seperate and safe... unlike its near apocalypse-bringing older brother!

Real World
This is the 9th canonical .hack game and the contents on this disc are quite possibly the end of the series storyline! Falling sales and fewer worldwide releases have assumedly taken a toll the series. But as I list below, there's still been a good amount of works related to the series these past few years! Versus isn't the first .hack game to have local or online multi-player but as far as anyone outside of Japan is concerned it may as well be since it'll be the simplest to get into.
Release Date: June 28th, 2012 (Japan)
Platform: PS3
Save File Size: 26 mb
Installation Size: 2055 mb
Supported Resolutions: 480p / 720p
Genre: Fighter
Developer: CyberConnect2
Publisher: NamcoBandai
- Single Player story mode
- Local Multi-Player
- Online Multi-Player
- Earn and equip 40 famous weapons wielded by well known players of the past!
- Earn and equip 35 items (1 per match) with an array of effects!
- Supports Custom Soundtracks
- 3D Support
- tbd?
Packaged Goods

Regular Edition
- 7,140 Yen
- The movie, game, ova on a single disc. Your standard "hybrid" release. A standard the .hack series helped to set! Cause including a game and related animation in the same package and later on the same disc is nothing new for this series! In addition to the above it also comes with a slipcase(?) box and a reversible cover theater program thingy.

"The World" Edition
- 10,500 Yen
- This ones for the fans! Ya get the contents of the regular edition along with a 48 page art book, the .hack//Extension DVD featuring pilots for the movie and the .hack//Live show, 25 "jacket-sized" posters, and an additional box for holding everything!

DVD Edition
- 5,250 Yen
- Same extras as the regular bluray edition - but no game for you!
-> Player Characters

• Tsukasa (司
- Representing: .hack//SIGN | 2009
- Alternate Color: Blue
- Attack Demo | Advanced Combo Video
- History:
The first(?) victim of Soul Digitalization. An Shoji's mind was trapped in the game by the rogue AI Morganna, while her body fell comatose in the real world. Her character in the game was male, so most people thought of her as such, including herself due to having fragmented memories from being trapped in the game. She was being manipulated into preventing the birth of Aura, but with the help of her friends overcame this control and awoke Aura, thus setting into motion what would come next...

• BlackRose (ブラックローズ
- Representing: .hack//Another Birth & .hack// | 2010
- Alternate Color: Brown
- Attack Demo | Advanced Combo Video
- History:
Feeling responsible for her brother falling into a coma, the then non-gamer, Akira Hayami joined "The World" as BlackRose in order to find out why it had happened. She soon bumped into Kite who had joined the game shortly after she did and became his partner from then on out. She adopted a big sister role towards Elk, and helped bring Lios & Helba onto the same side. In the real world, she juggled keeping her place on the tennis team, schoolwork, and keeping her distraught family from going into a complete depression.

• Kite (カイト
- Representing: .hack// | 2010
- Title: Kite of the Azure Flame
- Alternate Color: Green
- Attack Demo | Advanced Combo Video
- History:
Kite was invited to play "The World" by his friend Yasuhiko, known as the famous player Orca. While Orca was teaching him the ropes, the two spotted Skeith chasing Aura and were warped to a mysterious field. Skeith fragmented Aura and put Orca into a coma, leaving the newbie Kite as the possessor of the Book of Twilight. He then met BlackRose and many others who would join his cause to awaken the coma victims.

• Ovan (オーヴァン
- Representing: .hack//Roots & G.U. | 2016~2017
- Title: The Rebirth
- Alternate Color: Purple
- Attack Demo | Advanced Combo Video
- History:
A former Network Administration Bureau investigator in the real world, Masato Indou became the first person infected by the data anomaly known as AIDA. Immediately after this happened, his sister became the first coma victim in "The World R:2". He formed the Twilight Brigade guild to search for the Key of the Twilight, hoping it would show him the way to awakening his sister. Putting his second in command Shino into a coma wasn't part of his plans, but it lit a flame in Haseo whom Ovan was trying to guide. He shouldered the burden of the role as a "villian" both in the game and the real world.

• Haseo (ハセヲ
- Representing: .hack//Roots & G.U. | 2016~2017
- Title: The Terror of Death
- Alternate Color: Blue
- Attack Demo | Advanced Combo Video
- History:
Back in 4th Grade, Ryou Misaki played "The World" as a notorious Player Killer called Sora. He became wrapped up in the incident surrounding Tsukasa and at first sided with Morganna, but then betrayed her. She used Skeith to put him into a coma and for the next several months, she hid Skeith in Sora's Player Character and the two set out in search of Aura. Eventually Kite defeated Skeith, seperating Sora's mind from the monsters and he later awoke as all the other coma victims did, though his memory of ever playing the game was lost. 6 years later he joined "The World R:2" as Haseo and became a member of the Twilight Brigade, following the mysterious Ovan, until he disappeared, the guild was disbanded, and Shino fell into a coma. He lost all faith in other players and set out alone to defeat Tri-Edge in the hopes of bringing Shino back. He quickly gained fame as a Player Killer Killer and power from clearing the Forest of Pain event. When he finally battled "Tri-Edge" he was defeated and his character set back to level one. From there he would begin to encounter players who would help him grow into a less thoughtless person and awakened his Avatar, Skeith. He eventually learned the truth about everything and defeated Ovan, nearly losing his own life in the process. After this, together with his friends, he put an end to the Third Network Crisis.

• Tokio (トキオ
- Representing: .hack//Link | 2020
- Title: The Hero of Gear
- Alternate Color: Blue
- Attack Demo | Advanced Combo Video
- History:
For as long as he could remember, 14 year old Tokio Kuryuu had a recurring dream. He'd just defeated the big boss of a game and received thanks from a beautiful princess. When a girl named Saika Amagi, who bore a striking resemblance to the princess, transferred into his class and asked him to come with her he agreed... but she used a special device to transport his real body into "The World R:X", tasking him with finding items called Chrono Cores. Utilizing the Akashic Records, he was able to travel through "time" to different eras of the game, meeting and befriending countless famous players and the enemy organization known as Schicksal who worked for CC Corp's president. He defeated some of their members and along the way learned the truth about Saika, the princess he'd dreamed of called AIKA, that he was being used by the villians all along in their attempt to control Aura, and the true nature of Jyotaro Amagi's RA Plan. Working together with characters from numerous eras, he defeated the virus infected Aura and put an end to the Immortal Dusk plan, though it came at a cost. He was then able to return to the real world and find peace, for now...

• Sakuya (サクヤ
- Representing: .hack//Quantum | 2022
- Alternate Color: Pink
- Attack Demo | Advanced Combo Video
- History:
Like many students, Asumi Aida played "The World R:X" though despite having played it for some time, she'd still clutz out and cause trouble for her real life friends and in-game partners Eri Etou (Mary) and Iori Ikuta (Tobias)! One day the trio was going to watch a guild attempt to take out a monster known as The One Sin but Sakuya hit a trap causing the whole thing to go awry and they became the targets of the guild! While on the run she met a player named Hermit and witnessed her friend Mary be attacked by a mysterious force and sent into a coma, while her own right hand became partially infected and somewhat paralyzed in the real world. Asumi & Iori traveled to Tokyo where they met Reiko Saeki and would work with her to eliminate the problems facing the game and awaken the coma victims in what would come to be known as the Quantum Computer incident.

• Sora (そら
- Representing: .hack//The Movie: Beyond the World | 2024
- Title: Hero of the New Era
- Alternate Color: Yellow
- Attack Demo | Advanced Combo Video
- History:
Sora Yuuki grew up in a strict household where games were forbidden, because of this she felt left out amongst her group of friends who played "The World Force Era". She was eventually convinced to give it a try and for some reason, when her registration was complete she was stuck with a pre-made character... a red male Twin Blade named Kite. Despite this she logged in and soon encountered Data Bugs and Aura, who entrusted her with a special power. Things went well for awhile, as she learned to play the game with her friends, but the Data Bugs began reeking havoc and her love interest Kakeru Tanaka fell into a coma. Network Administration Bureau agent David Steinberg made contact with Sora in the real world and in-game. As problems began occuring in the real world, it was up to Sora to reach Aura and use her gift to set things right, preventing a second Immortal Dusk.
-> Other Characters
• Chim Chims
• Hermit
• Makoto
• Balder
• Gondo
Doppelgangers Chim Chims!
-> Sacred Sites
• Aura's Garden
A lovely, peaceful place first seen near the very end of the movie!
• Mechanism Premises
Ya know, that clocktower-like place in Quantum.
• Grima Raef Catherdal
aka the Lost Ground Hulle Granz Cathedral located at Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground. That Tri-Edge Sign is still there.
• Lia Fail
Ω Server Root Town, Net Slum version. What? Did ya think they'd ever let ya experience the real one?
• Dun Loireag
Θ Server Root Town. Much of SIGN took place here.
-> Weapon Collection
Like in .hack//Link, weapons in this game are purely for show / character customization. These can be unlocked by viewing a replay of your battles that have 300+ comments, or ones which you have achieved a score of 99,999 on.
• Dual Swords: 12
Used By: Kite, Haseo, Sakuya, Sora
• Broadswords: 07
Used By: BlackRose
• Bayonets: 07
Used By: Ovan
• Gauntlets: 07
Used By: Tokio
• Staves: 07
Used By: Tsukasa
-> Support Items
There are 35 of these in total but you can equip one at a time! They range from things that boost your power or defense, to some that automatically clear a battle condition. Like weapons, these will be unlocked by viewing a replay of your battles that have 300+ comments, or ones which you have achieved a score of 99,999 on.
-> Custom Soundtrack
This is the last option in the Altimit Media Player. Regarding this feature it applies only to battle music not menus, nor the story modes "Unknown" character battles. What the feature does do is allow you to change the music of your opponent. Say you're tired of BlackRose's default theme, well just find ブラックローズ in the media player, select it, and search your PS3's hdd for any song you'd like to play in its place!
-> The Movie: Beyond The World
As this is a "hybrid" pack this movie is on the disc to! It precedes Versus, taking place towards the end of the year 2024, beginning on November 22nd. Starring the character Sora Yuuki, who somehow ends up with the original Kite's PC data! Supports 1080i / 1080p and 3D viewing. The length is 112 minutes.
-> Thanatos Report
It wouldn't be a .hack game without some animation taking place in the real world, am I right? This games no different! This report will be unlocked after you complete the story mode for Versus. It's about 20 minutes long and is totally serious business. The villians behind it all...
-> Screenshots

-> .hack//3rd Season
• 2020: Link
• 2022: After 2021, Quantum (I)ntroduction, Quantum
• 2023: Bullet
• 2024: The Movie: Beyond The World
• 2025: Versus, Beyond the World: SORA, Thanatos Report
-> Versus O.S.T.

• disc.1: 56:27
01. 2:28 | データインストール
02. 4:00 | ヒトヒラ
03. 1:52 | デスクトップ
04. 1:54 | VERSUS:The World
06. 2:02 | キャラクターセレクト
07. 0:08 | 激闘の予感
08. 1:17 | バトルリザルト
09. 2:08 | オンラインVS
10. 3:04 | 次代の勇者
11. 2:29 | 二人は絶対☆無敵!
12. 2:49 | 黒衣の復讐者
13. 2:37 | 伝説の蒼炎
14. 2:15 | 黒薔薇の戦士
15. 2:54 | 彷徨う魂
16. 2:30 | 再誕の求道者
17. 2:46 | その名は9
18. 2:49 | 戦慄の影
19. 1:36 | 別れの刻
20. 4:20 | 晴天桜花
21. 1:09 | 雪原の逃亡者
22. 2:35 | mama
23. 1:13 | 奇襲
24. 2:22 | 母なる地球のために
25. 1:01 | 大いなる再生
• disc.2: (limited edition)
Wallpaper 1 - 17 in 1600x1200 & 1920x1080 sizes.
-> The Movie: Beyond the World O.S.T.

• disc.1: 47:41
01. 1:01 | 帰路
02. 0:50 | お出かけ
03. 1:15 | Log In
04. 2:18 | マク・アヌ
05. 1:54 | Contact
06. 0:52 | リンク
07. 1:22 | School Days
08. 2:26 | Start Button
09. 3:42 | With Friends!
10. 1:30 | ロスト・グラウンド
11. 1:05 | 黄昏
12. 1:14 | 告白
13. 2:48 | 忌まわしき "波"
14. 1:08 | 消せないキモチ
15. 1:32 | 意識不明
16. 3:08 | Briefing
17. 1:04 | 出撃
18. 3:20 | Fall Down
19. 1:26 | 崩壊する世界
20. 2:27 | 反撃の狼煙
21. 3:48 | 決戦
22. 3:06 | Hope
23. 4:25 | つながるセカイ/ 三谷朋世
• disc.2: (limited edition)
Wallpaper 1 - 12 in 1600x1200 & 1920x1080 sizes.
-> The Movie: Beyond the World - Single

• disc.1: 18:35
01. 4:59 | Gathering Light
02. 0:50 | Faraway
03. 5:00 | Gathering Light (Instrumental)
04. 2:18 | Faraway (Instrumental)
-> Akashic Records
• Advanced Game Mechanics/Character Guide by some-punk-kid
• Official Site
• CyberConnect2
• .hack//bullet official site
• .hack//bullet english translation
• .hack Wiki
• dothackers.net
• Got enough Virus Cores? GAF reads/watches/PLAYS the .hack series! (10th Anniversary) (prepare for spoilers!)
• .hack//Versus screenshots (original Versus info thread)
• Trophy List
-> Shout Outs
• ReXXXSoprano for rehosting the official combo vids on youtube
• Funimation for licensing & releasing .hack//Quantum in the west
• JunBanyoya, Kuukai, and others for their .hack//Link "Unofficial Fan Translation Project"
• Kazetrigger for translating the .hack//Bullet web novel
• KitetsuFayth for informing me how the custom soundtrack system worked
• somepunk for delving deeply into the games mechanics to make videos & a faq
-> Maintenance Notice
Expect this OP to be updated beyond what's currently up as more stuff is discovered about the game!
- v1.13 | replaced all the broken image links with working ones (June 20th... 2017?!)
- v1.12 | added character names in jp text (December 28th)
- v1.11 | a section for Screenshots has finally been added! (December 1st)
- v1.10 | spaced stuff out alil better, linked to the Bullet translation in the Akashic Records, added Shout Outs section (November 5th)
- v1.09 | added custom soundtrack info, fixed tsukasa/blackrose reg & kite/ovan/haseo classic images (October 28th)
- v1.08 | linked somepunk's videos, linked his faq in the Akashic Records, removed -> from upper sections (October 26th)
- v1.07 | support item info added, weapon info updated, 3rd season updated (August 10th)
- v1.06 | weapon info added, features, other characters, & 3rd season update, player character info massively updated (July 28th)
- v1.05 | makoto listed under characters, arena section, Thanatos & 3rd season update, op image added (July 17th)
- v1.04 | resolutions, 3D support, movie info (upd), ost section has length/disc.2, movie ost & single info, tokio classic fix (July 3rd)
- v1.03 | save/install data, multi-player info (upd), custom soundtrack support listed (July 2nd)
- v1.02 | "real world" info added, character demo videos added, listed Chim Chims under "other characters" (June 30th)
- v1.01 | fixed a typo, added "classic" character icons, fixed tsukasa image, adjusted maintenance text (June 23rd)
- v1.00 | the first iteration of the OP! (June 22nd)