Ok, I'm going to get my hair cut today, but as always I'm in a dilemma over what to ask for. I used to go to your regular barber, from whom I would get the same boring cut every time, regardless of what I asked. Then I decided to go to the more expensive barber at the shopping mall, from whom I got better cuts, but they still seemed to alternate from boring regular crew cuts, to less boring "messier" cuts that always looked the same. I guess my problem with these is that they lacked any real style. I felt I couldn't really ask for a major restyle from a barber, so next stop, I went to a proper salon (it's OK, I'm gay
). There, they charged my twice as much..for pretty much the same cut. I did think I mentioned a "restyle" somewhere along the way, and I definitely asked for them "to make it look cool" but that seemed to get ignored. I dunno, these cuts were all OK, but they were just average, and lacked style. Should I really really emphasise that I'm looking for a restyle - should I just sit myself down in front of them, admit I don't know where to begin with it in terms of style, and let them know they can do what they want with it as long as it looks good? Should I specifically ask to see a stylist, or would all the people in a salon be stylists anyway? I dunno..I just see guys around town with excellent cuts, and I'm wondering what the bleep they asked for 
I'm not looking for something that'll mark me out in a crowded room (too much..), but I am looking for something with definite style. Any suggestions as to what I should ask for? I never know what to say when they ask what I want - I'm terrible with hair lengths, etc. etc.
Thank you!
I'm not looking for something that'll mark me out in a crowded room (too much..), but I am looking for something with definite style. Any suggestions as to what I should ask for? I never know what to say when they ask what I want - I'm terrible with hair lengths, etc. etc.
Thank you!