Vert boil

Developer: Toylogic
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Release Date: October 12th 2012 (Pre-release available in the dashboard beta and invites can be sent non-beta users)
Format: Xbox LIVE Arcade
Price: Free (Gold Membership needed) - 445MB
Happy Wars is a F2P 30 player third person action game with comical characters battling in over-the-top combat arenas. Players can assume any of 3 types of roles–warrior, mage, or cleric–in a variety of battlefields including fantastic grasslands, a dark world, and the ocean floor, extending your territory by occupying the scattered bases, and cooperating with friends to attacking castles. For off-line fun, the player can take on missions in the solo campaign mode.

- Multiplayer - In this mode, multiple players battle against one another in all out wars across different levels of terrain. While fighting against each other in, there can be up to 15 people playing against another 15 players in one match. If there aren’t enough players, bots automatically join the fight to help you out.
- Co-op Mode - In this mode, you can battle with your friends versus the AI in the game. There are also different levels of difficulty that the player can select at any stage to play. The AI are tweaked to be weak so that even novice players can enjoy the fun. However, it will keep the balance so that the player’s team will lose unless the player actively participates in the game.
- Story - In this mode, you play with and against bots to complete specific challenges. Story mode progressively unlocks as you level up in Multiplayer or Co-op.
- Training - In this mode, you play with and against bots at a difficulty setting you select.
- Tutorial - This is a special mode for offline play where the player can learn the basic game controls and give you a display of things to come!
There are two forms of levelling in the game.
- Level Rank - Your level increase as you play the game. As you gain levels you will be able to equip heaver items and unlock SP levels. Once you reach lvl 31 you join the Upper League.
- Upper League - As well as getting better loot, you earn League points when you win a match and lose points when you lose. There are five rankings in the Upper League. Immortal, Legend, Hero, Spartan and Grand Master.
- Temporary in-game levelling - As you play you gain levels that gives you access to more skills. You gain different skills depending on the level you playing.
There are five different item types that you can equip. Weapons, Shields, Armour, Helmets and Accessories. Items can be bought in the Item store or Happy Card game with Happy Tickets, won on the Happy Spinner with Happy Stars or won whilst playing the game.
- Item Levelling and Modification - Watch the Customization Trailer.
There is a clan system called Theme Tag. You can select groups you would like to play with or against online.

The Cleric’s class role apart from supporting other players is to Summon Materials so their team can build items in the game world.
- Dash
- Dispel
- Heal
- Resurrection
- Sanctuary
- Sacred Armour
- Summon Materials
- Wall
- Team Skills
- Happy Miracle
- Sacred Song
- Transport
The Mage’s class role is to buff other players and cause massive damage through environmental effects.
- Blizzard
- Ice Enchant
- Ice Shot
- Fire Ball
- Fire Enchant
- Lightning Enchant
- Lightning Strike
- Magic Napalm
- Thunderbolt
- Wind Blast
- Wind Enchant
- Wind Trap
- Team Skills
- Lightning Arrow
- Meteor Storm
- Tornado
The Warrior’s come out to play.
- Charge Attack
- Roar
- Rocketman
- Rush
- Smash
- Spinning Blade
- Stone Throw
- Team Skills
- Cheer
- Group Rush
- Iron Phalanx
For more information on the skills look at the official pages for Class Skills and Team Skills.
Watch the Customization Trailer to see all of the things you can change and upgrade.

There are two currencies in the game. Happy Stars that are earned playing the game and Happy Tickets that are bought using Microsoft Points.
Currently Happy Tickets can be bought in three packages,
- 8 Happy Tickets for 80msp (1$)
- 50 Happy Tickets for 400msp (5$)
- 170 Happy Tickets for 1200msp (15$)
Happy Tickets can be used in multiple ways,
- Happy Tickets can be used instead of Happy Stars e.g. pay 1 Happy Ticket instead of 400 Happy Stars. You can do this in-game to Spawn Stronger or when levelling up items.
- Happy Tickets can also spent in the Item store. Three swords for 18 Happy Tickets, Themed Soldier set for 20 Happy tickets, Three Shields for 18 Happy Tickets and many many more.
- Happy Tickets can be used to buy Happy Cards. Happy Cards are a selection of items from a specific category (Weapons, Shields etc) that cost 18 Happy Tickets each. Buying multiple packs in one go will open up the ability to buy special packs.

Text and images stolen from the official sites.