The Take Out Bandit

Players: 2P Offline, 2P Online (Drop-in/Drop-out)
Platforms: Xbox360 / Playstation 3
US Release Dates: 2/16 360, 3/15 PS3
Price: 1200 Allards, $14.99 PS3
Developer: Arc System Works
Producer: Kenji Yamamoto
In 2613, the world is now ruled by an empire known as the Commonwealth under the reign of Tiberius. Neighboring nations have suffered under the Commonwealth's oppression and Resistance Forces rise across the land. However, so many Resistance Fighters have fallen to the overwhelming might of the empire, that their strength is now severely diminished. A group of elite soldiers rise through the ranks of the Resistance and band together to execute a desperate plan. The leader of this group is the war hero Bahamut.

Bahamut - Former soldier of the Commonwealth army, he turns on his comrades after witnessing an imperial squad execute innocent people.

Krystal - A woman with seemingly no previous combat experience. However, after her hometown is attacked by imperial forces, she decides to join Bahamut.
DLC Characters:
200 Xbox Points each

Harley Daniels - A motorcycle riding soldier sporting an extreme pompadour hairstyle.

Sayuri - A female samurai.
Guns! Guns! Guns!:
- Machine Gun - SPRAAAAY!
- Spread Shot - Ultimate lazy man gun. I don't aim. I bullet spam. Word!
- Chain Laser - It will track enemies, fire and forget. Great weapon!
- Ripple
- Heated Plasma - Charge shot. Absorbs enemy bullets as well!
- Crash Gun
Game Play:
Arcade Mode - Limited Health, Limited Lives, closest to O.G. Contra.
Rising Mode - Converts your score into points that can be used to buy permanent character upgrades!
Double Tap direction - Dash
Double Jump
Jump and Dash by double tapping direction.

Images taken from First 10 Minutes of Gameplay
Looks that kill. You can choose between seven different looks for your character, including the classic white Resistance uniform.
Konami Code:
Shhhhh ... Yes, the Konami code works. Exactly how, where, and how many times it works is something we'll leave to the user to find out.
Critical Reception:
5/5 Examiner
9.00 Game Informer
7/10 Thunderbolt Games
Gamespot: 7.0/10
Planet Xbox 360: 8.4/10
ztdg: 7.5/10
Some games are hard. Other games are ridiculously hard. Uprising's harsh difficulty curve manages to wildly overshoot such paltry levels of sadism and ventures instead into the magical realm of the purely ridiculous.
Uprising's default Arcade mode is strictly for Contra purists. With meager health, three lives, and very little in the way of extra abilities, it offers an undiluted experience--one that makes you want to hurl your console through the TV screen.
A brisk challenge can be a great thing, but the insidious stage designs start off pretty brutal and grow exceptionally wickeder as you progress. This can make Uprising hard to stomach at times. Only one or two checkpoints are woven into the lengthy levels, and being forced to repeat a mid-stage boss battle you just struggled through because you ran out of lives only seconds after completing it is maddening.
Throw in some sporadic platforming sections that require an inhuman level of precision, and it's tough to hold off the desire to snap the controller in half. Jumping back and forth to ride on detonating missiles rocketing upward through a massive elevator shaft is a very cool idea, but it's too difficult to be enjoyable. The grating metal soundtrack and awful voice-overs don't help when concentration is the key to your survival.

You've got to learn how to die: Ars reviews Hard Corps. Uprising
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Teknoman said:GAF Hard Corps tag
Add the tag, and use the "view friends" options to invite other people for co-op.
Would like to get a PSN chat going for easy matchmaking and things so if you'd like to play add me.
PSN: Sollune
I'll be in the chat whenever I'm on the PS3, I play other things in between but feel free to hit me up, I don't mind dropping what I'm doing to get a game of Hard Corps in.
OP Will be Updated with further info as obtained.