
here is a complete list, as listed by visual concepts, of persons who were assigned to the "quailty assurance" team for ESPN NFL 2k5. Just as some background and purpose for this post, there are a multitude of problems and bugs with ESPN. Some of them are the following:
* Players having negative yardage added to their totals on penalties
* Very questionable DB AI (DB's will literally run in circles around a receiver at times)
* Very questionable CPU Trade logic (michael strahan traded for favre, etc)
* Very questionable sim-stat tracking in franchise
So, here is a list of the people who dedicated their time to finding these bugs:
Quality Assurance:
Mike Andrews
Adam Ausiello
Byron Andrew
Dave Bass
Jason Battle
Ken Benitez Jr.
Jeff Bentley
Brobert Britt
Elton Brown
Tim Cainglit
Joseph Chasan
Kevin Clement
Tim Collins
Brendan Decousso
Brian DeGraf
David Deluca
David Dixon
Marion Dreo
Justin Elngland
Jeremy Ford
Wayne Gin
Jeremy Goble
Michael Griffin
Jordan Hanke
Ocie Henderson
Dan Indra
Tyler Jacobson
Arthur Javier
Byron King
Guy Lasky
Joel Lehmann
Joseph Levesque
Ryan Lim
Micah Long
Marco Lopez
Will Madia
Kurt Maffei
Ryan Medina
James Miller
Vince Morales
William Parkman
Andrew Patania
Dion Peete
Damon Perdue
James Procopio
Nathan Rodriguez
Brian Rust
Matt Schultz
Shawn Sims
Jason Souza
Luciano Sponza
Zach Timmerman
Marshon Thomas
Jake True
Libert Viray
Donell Williams
Dustin Wright
Robert Zavala
and who can forget the problems everyone is having ONLINE on xbox live. some of them include:
* invalid rosters
* cannot connect to opponents
* no divisions in leagues, no replacing owners, incorrect stats reported by the servers, etc.
how many people does it take not to see these things? lets count them:
Network QA Lead Tester
Robert Leach
Network QA Assistant Lead Tester
Jerson Sapida
Network QA Senior Testers
Simon Chan
Chris Watkins
Network Quality Assurance
Jacob Adina
Nathan Burks
Clifford Chin
Adam Domenick
Adam Fair
Jerel Francisco
Chris Ganz
Joshua Graham
Richard Hilburn
Matt Holler
Jesse Jones
Peter Lopez
Dan Nicolaisen
Brian Osteo
Eric Ottolini
Mike Rose
Blair Reynolds
Evan Rice
Jake Stockstell
Chad Urquhart
Borden Wong
Morgan Wren
what confuses me the most is not that bugs slipped through, but the TYPES of bugs that slipped through. these aren't small bugs, like a clipping issue, or an occassional freezing. no, these are bugs that kick you in the teeth within 30 mins of playing. NO ONE with any football gaming experience or interest would miss this shit, no one with any football gaming experience COULD miss this shit. so my thought is that VC is full of shit, or the QA people are full of shit and didn't report problems as they saw them. but my QUESTION is, do these people even exist? or did VC use their name generator/pull names out of a hat to come up with this list?