Fluffernutter Pancake

Kickstarter trailer | Website | Demo | Dev Log
Hazelnut Bastille is a lush, topdown Zelda-like ARPG currently being developed for PC, Mac & Linux (as well as Nintendo Switch & Playstation 4, with enough Kickstarter support!). The game features a complex, characters-driven narrative that deals with timeless life and social issues. A real-time, highly tactical combat system is employed where the player needs to carefully read the screen and look at each room as a novel challenge. There is also a central focus on sequential and lateral thinking puzzles, which ramp up in difficulty quickly as the player is introduced to new ideas.
All of this is presented in a glorious 16-bit character, where everything from the art style and content, sound, music.... even the camera and transitions are authentic to the game experiences of 1994. In our quest for period greatness, we have even enlisted the help of one of the great composers straight out of this time, the famed Hiroki Kikuta, best known for his Secret of Mana OST at Square in '93. And the similarity isn't merely skin-deep. We have striven to deconstruct the classics of the SNES to extract all of the superior design principles behind their mechanics and level design, to understand exactly what made them so peerlessly great, even by today's terms. We hope you will come with us in our quest to bring the rigor and polish of the past back to today's gaming scene!
Hazelnut Bastille is the story of a young woman who has just arrived on the shores of a savage, foreign land for the first time. She casts a haunted figure, and has come to seek the fabled knowledge of a race of long-dead ancients on the edge of the world, in hopes of finding a way to reclaim something which was lost to her. Along the way, she meets the other inhabitants of this undiscovered country: a band of castouts and pariahs from the old world, all seeking to make a new life in a place far away from their old troubles. Her story will become entangled with theirs, as they each lean on one another for their own needs, and slowly she will get to know exactly who each of these strange bedfellows are, and what they have themselves run from in their old lives.
As she gets closer to her goals, new troubles and woes reveal themselves like nested matryoshka dolls. When things seem their darkest, that is when she meets a cryptic stranger- someone who can recite her life story as soon as set eyes on her- and the real journey begins! She will set foot in halls lost to time, and gain dominion over the very forces behind the natural order, but will it be enough to find what she is looking for?
Authored by Shannon Mason, Lead Composer
Legendary composer of The Secret of Mana, Hiroki Kikuta, has joined the project as guest composer for a handful of tracks that establish central themes for the game!


Overworld & Dungeon Diversity

Early Conceptual Character Portraits & Art

Petition for $50 physical version KS reward tier (tier may be activated when 1000 signatures is reached! Only ~400 more to go):