I got a call of the wild, made me feel nostalgic.
What happened to Lich King, only ever see him when going up against big priest these days.
What happened to Lich King, only ever see him when going up against big priest these days.
Like I said when the set launched, TLK is a mediocre card. Frostmourne is game-winning, as is Anti-Magic Shell, and the rest of the cards are highly situational or mediocre. It's not a good bet for 8 mana. I wish they would bring his upper cards down a bit and improve the lower ones. Like make non-minions from Army of the Dead shuffle back into your deck. That's a game-losing card in a lot of situations. I actually don't think I've ever seen it do work.Army of the Dead is the worst and it's what I get the most
I wonder if this deck might like Soul of the Forest over something else, since you can insta-populate your board with the 0-drops.I decided to build a dumb hobgoblin druid deck in Wild. It is silly and probably unoptimized, but it won me five games in a row, lol.
### HoboDruid
# Class: Druid
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Murloc Tinyfin
# 2x (0) Snowflipper Penguin
# 2x (0) Wisp
# 2x (1) Argent Squire
# 2x (1) Bloodsail Corsair
# 2x (1) Fire Fly
# 2x (1) Living Roots
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (2) Druid of the Swarm
# 2x (2) Echoing Ooze
# 1x (3) Crypt Lord
# 2x (3) Hobgoblin
# 2x (3) Savage Roar
# 2x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 2x (4) Jeeves
# 2x (5) Living Mana
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I wonder if this deck might like Soul of the Forest over something else, since you can insta-populate your board with the 0-drops.
I played a weird Egg Druid today who had Moonfires and Thalnos in his deck. I don't understand.
Oh sure, but I just meant that with the 0-drop dump + Hobgoblin you have a great situation to secure your board with Soul of the Forest.The Crypt Lord and the Stonehills seemed a little ambitious. I wasn't holding Hoggoblin until Turn 6 very often. Soul of the Forest might be an okay inclusion but it would be used in probably much the same way it's used in Egg Druid today. Usually you don't want to dump the 0-drops until during or after your hobgoblin turn.
I liked it so much after that Brawl I crafted it.
I forgot about this card until I left a Naga alive in Wild and my opponent played 2x Call of the Wild on his next turn. -_-I got a call of the wild, made me feel nostalgic.
How is it doing for you?
TFW when you got golden bestial wrath for reaching legend.
I got a golden death axe punisher, happy to trade.
They announced the next ranked reward cardback:
Guess it's halloween themed. I really wish I had the OG halloween cardback but I started two months too late.
Got a golden pyroblast in my chest, which I forgot to screenshot. Took this screenshot because it's the only thing I have to commemorate my personal best season.
Retiring from ladder since I've been trying since January and this is the best I've been able to do. Not even sure I'll bother going to 5 anymore. I left all the hearthstone discords (except the Gaf one) and unsubbed from all the HS streamers I was supporting.
There's only two ranks -- legend and nonlegend -- and I'll never be the former so it's time to move on.
I'll still follow and play HS casually so you'll still see me around, but feel free to rank shame me if you ever disagree with my opinion since I've proven I'm garbage at the game.
TankUP you from not being able to get rank 10, to getting rank 10... then you went from not being able to get rank 5 to getting rank 5, then you went all the way to rank 1.
You can make Legend. Don't give up so easily. You have done the hardest part, now just tap it in for the finish.
I also agree with this. <3 you, TankUP!Hey TankUP, take a break but please don't leave HS GAF. You're a core part of the community with interesting things to say and posts like this that seem to get unnoticed but I (we) do enjoy those a lot.
I finally got my first golden hero! I liked Shaman before they became OP but I must admit that the year of the Kraken helped a lot in increasing the amount of victories.
Hey TankUP, take a break but please don't leave HS GAF. You're a core part of the community with interesting things to say and posts like this that seem to get unnoticed but I (we) do enjoy those a lot.
I also agree with this. <3 you, TankUP!
There are plenty of people in your shoes, so don't give up. You're probably one of the more insightful posters on here and I'd hate to see you go.
TankUP you from not being able to get rank 10, to getting rank 10... then you went from not being able to get rank 5 to getting rank 5, then you went all the way to rank 1.
You can make Legend. Don't give up so easily. You have done the hardest part, now just tap it in for the finish.
You can make than you did. Hunter has Knuckles, with the text "whenever you attack a minion, attack the enemy hero" (or something like that) - that's very close to Trample. Hexproof is obviously an easy one to translate, but for "cannot be countered", I would add the text "this card does not trigger enemy secrets", since those are the closest things to counterspells in this game.It's time again, boys and girls! Time for me to straight up steal Magic cards.
So in the newest Magic set, Ixalan, Carnage Tyrant is currently the most expensive card and the most sought after "Mythic" (think Legendary) of the set.
Now, I had the do several things to properly move its power into Hearthstone and that meant changing the card in several ways.
1.) Removing Trample. In Magic, Trample means that whenever you trade with a minion on board, any leftover damage goes to your opponent's face. This is important in Magic because damn near everything can block and so if you have 1/1 tokens blocking big giant stuff all the time, nobody would play big stuff. In most cases when looking at a Magic card with Trample, I would simply remove it altogether when moving it to Hearthstone.
2.) Hexproof vs "Can't be targeted by spells or hero powers". The Faerie Dragon/Bearshark effect is the closest thing to Hexproof in Hearthstone. Hexproof is basically the same effect except you can target your own creatures. So in Magic, you could buff Carnage Tyrant with spells if you wanted to, and Green likes to do that a lot. So it loses that bonus but I don't think it's a huge loss in this case since the classes in Hearthstone that might want something like this (Hunter or Druid) don't buff their stuff very often anyway. Plus you could still slap a Bonemare on him if you wanted.
3.) "Can't be countered". This is pretty Magic specific. It protects it from certain types of instants your opponent could play whenever it tries to hit the board, but that's not a huge concern in Hearthstone (closest thing would be dying to Sacred Trial or Snipe) so I just removed it.
4.) 7hp not 6hp. I'm learning that most things in Magic actually seem to have less health than they would in Hearthstone. A vanilla 2 mana creature in Magic is a "Grizzly Bear' with 2/2 stats. Stuff like 2 mana 2/3's or 3/2's with an upside are not common. I think this is mostly because combat damage is not permanent in Magic, so Hearthstone creatures tend to have a bit more health. If I had left the card at a 7/6 I don't think I'd be communicating the card's overstated nature very well since a 6-mana creature with 6 health still dies relatively easy in Hearthstone. Not that impressive. This extra health boost gives it just enough of a boost to put it over the edge into an extremely powerful legendary for Hearthstone.
The end result is a card that looks like a "fixed" version of Tyrantus. A dinosaur with big huge stats that's hard for control decks to kill, but now it comes early enough to actually be a threat without you instantly dying. Toss this in as a near finisher with Bonemare in a MIdrange Hunter deck and wooo boy is that scary.
I think Druid would have also been a viable choice for the card because Green does a lot of Ramp and beast stuff in Magic, but Ramp Druid doesn't have the same stompy feel that Hunter does and I think it's more appropriate that this card be in an archetype that's more aggressive and has more early support.
I have no plans to leave the thread, but thank you for your kind words. I'm only quitting try-harding ladder and reducing the amount of time I spend on hearthstone but I'll still play casually and follow the game. I look forward to a new spoiler season and new debates over how bad the warrior cards are and the gloating when I'm inevitably proven right.![]()
You can make than you did. Hunter has Knuckles, with the text "whenever you attack a minion, attack the enemy hero" (or something like that) - that's very close to Trample. Hexproof is obviously an easy one to translate, but for "cannot be countered", I would add the text "this card does not trigger enemy secrets", since those are the closest things to counterspells in this game.
### Miracle rogue
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Backstab
# 2x (0) Counterfeit Coin
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (1) Cold Blood
# 2x (1) Conceal
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Swashburglar
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Eviscerate
# 1x (2) Sap
# 1x (3) Edwin VanCleef
# 2x (3) Fan of Knives
# 2x (3) Questing Adventurer
# 2x (4) Tomb Pillager
# 2x (5) Azure Drake
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 2x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Should i swap out the azure drakes for Vilespines? The removal just feels so good, but with two saps maybe it isn't necessary?
At least Statue is good! What am I supposed to do with Treachery? Craft a Doomsayer, I guess. I don't have any.
They announced the next ranked reward cardback:
Guess it's halloween themed. I really wish I had the OG halloween cardback but I started two months too late.
Got a golden pyroblast in my chest, which I forgot to screenshot. Took this screenshot because it's the only thing I have to commemorate my personal best season.
Retiring from ladder since I've been trying since January and this is the best I've been able to do. Not even sure I'll bother going to 5 anymore. I left all the hearthstone discords (except the Gaf one) and unsubbed from all the HS streamers I was supporting.
There's only two ranks -- legend and nonlegend -- and I'll never be the former so it's time to move on.
I'll still follow and play HS casually so you'll still see me around, but feel free to rank shame me if you ever disagree with my opinion since I've proven I'm garbage at the game.
I'd probably cut saps first before azure drakes.
Or fan of knives. But saps before fan of knives.
Big priests are pretty common right now where I'm at so saps are pretty important.
edit: IIRC you play both wild and standard, just focus on one.
Congrats! I love golden heroes. Working on my last two a little at a time.