PSN NA: Out now - 15$, Europe: October 3rd
XBLA: NA: Out now - 1200 MSP
Steam: October 3rd - 13 EUR
Published by Sega and developed by Arkedo Studio, the makers of such acclaimed titles as the Arkedo Indie series on XBIG, Nervous Brickdown and Big Bang Mini on DS.

The pitch
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is a metroidvania-style platformer and dual joystick shooter with gorgeous 2D art in which you control Ash, the jetpack-propelled Oryctolagus Cuniculus prince of the underworld, hellbent on killing the 100 monsters who caught a glimpse of photos leaked on the internet exposing Ash's intimacy. The game also incorporates elements from Wario Ware (dozens of silly mini-games) and XCOM (force your minions to research upgrades for you). Numerous customization items and other stuff can also be bought from stores.
A demo is already available on PSN and XBLA, alternatively check out Giant Bomb's Quick look or Gameinformer's Test Chamber for some uncut gameplay footage.

What critics say

Hell Yeah is an enjoyable 2D sidescroller that waxes nostalgic about classic games just as much as it establishes its own identity as a “how-to” guide to murdering monsters in ridiculous ways.
One look at this game in action brings about comparisons to Metroid or Castlevania. World navigation is reminiscent to these classic titles, allowing players to leap to hard-to-reach areas for secret collectibles, and backtrack with different powers to open up new zones.
Still, I strongly feel that, while these complaints get in the way of making Hell Yeah a perfect game, they don't stop it from being a worthwhile one. The effervescent and copious presentation, the silly minigames, and the joy of shooting rainbows from a magic octopus to make a blissed-out cloud disappear (for example) make it worth taking Ash's giant wheel for a spin.
Hell Yeah!'s cheery approach to slaughter and its goofy riffs on nerd culture make this gorgeously amusing version of Hell worth a visit.
The important thing, really, is that you like the sound of it. If you enjoy impish cartoon worlds that mask their pristine internal consistency under a measured low brow, and you can put up with falling in a pit occasionally and having to go back to a checkpoint, then Hell Yeah: Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is probably exactly the game about Hell that you've always wanted. If not, I suppose there's always Dante's Inferno. Tits.