Game - Hero Academy
Price - Free with IAP to unlock teams, disable ads, avatars, taunts
Platform - iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPad (upscaled/Not universal)
Download - http://itunes.apple.com/app/id488156323
Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RqF__v5rlg
Game Guide - http://www.robotentertainment.com/games/heroacademy/webgameguide
Multiplayer tactics gaming on the go – challenge friends to one-on-one battles via online multiplayer
Asynchronous strategy – play a heated bout in twenty minutes or across a full day, whenever you have a few moments
Quick to Learn – Casual players can attack without mercy, while tactics game buffs will love the strategic cat-and-mouse gameplay
Heroic visuals – Colorful fantasy graphics highlight each character and the board’s boost tiles
Vicious variety – each team has five unique units with different strengths and magical abilities

User list
To add your name to list, include "#addname" to post to make things easier. Ex: "wario64 #addname"
GAF name - Hero Academy name
Admiral Snackbar - AdmiralSnackbar
AlexMeloche - AlexMeloche
Amerzel - Amerzel
autobzooty - LavaDump
BenjaminBirdie - KidInsomnia
benny lava - princeofspace
Bigwinnerx - Bigwinnerx
Billychu - Billychu
blackflag - blackflag
bluenatas09 - RandomDoodle
bob page - UncleGuito
BroHuffman - brohuff
r - b - x = crinale
Captain N - LAAG64
ChackanKun - Chackan
civilstrife - civilstrife
colinp - colinp
CoolS - sloocc
Darb - RealDarb
Des0lar - Darudin
dk_ - dekow
dream - dweam
Eggo - Eggo
Einherjar - LegendsEnd
EMBee99 - ericmbee
eravulgaris - blyss
Ezahn - Ezahn
eznark - eznark
famousmortimer - famousmortimer
FantasticMrFoxdie - MrFoxdie
Ferny - ferny73
Flunkie - Flunkie
Fong Ghoul - FongGhoul
Foob - Foob
Fox1304 - Fox1304
Franklinator - Franklinator
Gaspode_T - gaspode_T
Glass Rebel - GlassRebel
gotee12 - gotee12
Gowans007 - Gowans007
graywolf323 - graywolf323
HBP - kapshin
HenryGale - HenryGale
Hero - Hero_
hiryu - HiryuGAF
hulot - hulot
Jako - jako
Jburton - Jburton
JetBlackPanda - JetBlackPanda
John Harker - JohnHarker
J0dy77 - ars2x
Jswanko - Jabe
KooPaL - KooPaL
KrayzeeGloo - KrayzeeGloo
krypt0nian - krypt0nian
Kryptonic - Kryptonic83
Kunohara - Kunohara
LastWindow - Dosuchin
Manax - Manax
mcfrank - Kaminski
MDavis360 - mikeydavis
mescalineeyes - mescalineeyes
mjc - SirMJ
Mrninjaman - Mrninjaman
Mr YuYu - Mr_YuYu
Naka - Naka
Nelo Ice - NeloIce
Nihilistic Monk - NihilisticMonk
Noreturn - Noreturn
number1jagsfan - number1jagsfan
Orgun - OrgunUK
parasight - Virtuearl
Pastry - Pastry
Phoenixazure - phoenixazure
POWERSPHERE - Powersphere
Prox - Proxii
Rayven - riotrayven
Rekwest - Rekwes01
Reluctant-Hero - Reluctant-Hero
Rlan - Rlan
Roy G. Biv - RoyGBiv
SayItWithMe - SpeedUpToStop
seady - Sea_Kid
Shaneus - Shaneus
Six Okay - SixOkay
sonikokaruto - sonikokaruto
Sotha Sil - sothaSil
Spruchy - Spruchy
Squirrel Killer - Squirrel_Killer
SquirrelNuckle - Mega-Ridley
StrikerObi - StrikerObi
Talon- - Talon-
Tangeroo - Tangerous
TechSamurai - Techsamurai
Tempy - Tempy
The M.O.B - The_Mob
the-monkey - handsometyler
Therealbeatris - therealbeatris
thewesker - thewesker
timnich - timnich
Tobor - Tobor
Tomat - t0mat03
Tunesmith - Tunesmith
Ultima_5 - ultima_5
ultron87 - Ultron87
Valru - valru
Vamphuntr - Vamphuntr
V_Ben - V_Ben
vesp - Vesp
Vyer - Vyer
Wario64 - Wario64
waru - warumaru
Wrekt - Wrekt