Bottom 15 win rate now, below Raynor. FeeeeeelsbadHe's still super strong.
Dehaka? Nooooo, he was always above 50% before this nerf.wasn't his winrate always mediocre?
Damage nerfs to AA and Dark Swarm.Wasn't the only nerf to his Z going on CD if interrupted?
Can't decide if having a skillshot healer is the most amazing or frustrating thing, often it's a pretty fair split of both in a given match.
It's hella frustrating. You have to be predictable to help her land shots. Which means you're predictable for the enemy as well.
TBH she kinda sucks in this iteration. Even in a double heal situation, why would i choose Ana over Brightwing? BW has similar damage output, has a global, can talent into more mobility, and BW's CC is point and click.
She is fun to play atleast, but not really viable IMO
We should just all start grouping again. Put the past aside. Try to leave the salt out of it and stay off of comms.
Bruh, last I checked I had a 70% winrate with Ana in ranked OW.
Bruh, last I checked I had a 70% winrate with Ana in ranked OW.
I think you need to renounce your Trump land and come play EU is what I think Milly
I might not survive that long. I would have strangled a cute bunny with glacial efficiency after those 4 games yesterday.
FWIW there was this guy let's say his name was "Rula" and about a month and a half or two ago he ventured to the kid's end of the poolP, sorry I had to) and we had some good games. In this hypothetical scenario, a guy named Rankahr said "you should come play kid's end of the pool more often" and the Rula guy said let me know what time you guys play or when you want to play and maybe I can. He kept checking his DM's but nothing.
That my friends is the story of when the EU boyz swiped right on Alur and then never set up a date. I didn't sleep for days, Rhaknar. DAYS!all Kappa locks
Here in the NA we don't play at the same time every day on a schedule m8 so how am I supposed to know what you do without you saying