Since a search didn't turn up anything, a good friend of mine and independent pro wrestler Damien Kass was involved in this. Fucking hero is what he is, this could have went a lot worse had he not been there.

In the bustling lobby of a Downtown high-rise at lunch hour, the man in black didnt fit.
Roncoa Foster was told when she started at Miami-Jacobs Career College that she was expected to dress professionally.
But this guy was disheveled. His hair was frizzy. He wore a black sweat shirt and black pants and carried a Kroger grocery bag.
Foster didnt recognize him, and he looked out of place yesterday afternoon in the sea of suits and students typically inhabiting the lobby of the Continental Centre at 150 E. Gay St. strange enough that Foster admitted making snarky comments about his appearance to a friend.
She watched him approach the security guard.
She pointed him toward the Miami-Jacobs admissions office, said Foster, 23.
Minutes later, at 12:40 p.m., the daily routine of Foster, her fellow students and hundreds of Downtown workers was turned horribly on its head.
In a flash of violence, four men were stabbed, three seriously, before police shot the knife-wielding man whom they were still trying to identif.
Late last night, two of the men who were critically injured were identified by The Dispatch as Donte Dunnagan, 36, a financial-aid assistant at Miami-Jacobs, and Jeffrey Maloon, 53, an assistant attorney general.
Both were at Grant Medical Center last night. A third man also was there, taken in critical condition, but his identity wasnt available. The fourth victim, whose name also wasnt released, was taken to Mount Carmel West for treatment of what were described as minor injuries.
The man who was shot by police was at the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University, also in critical condition.
Sgt. Rich Weiner, a Police Division spokesman, said a motive remains unknown to the homicide detectives tasked with piecing together the mayhem that triggered a rush of calls to 911.
One caller, who identified herself as the schools director of education, identified the suspect by name and said he was a student in his 30s. But police said they could not corroborate the name and had not established any connection between him and Miami-Jacobs.
Witnesses described the suspect as zombielike, saying he had a blank expression on his face and walked with no rush.
He moved as if he didnt care, said one witness, who lives in Cincinnati but was here for training at AT&T. He didnt care if he was going to kill or if he would be killed.
He was just turning around, basically like, Whos next?   Foster said.
Miami-Jacobs is a private school that offers career training in several areas, including court reporting, criminal justice, cosmetology and health-related careers. The school will be closed today.
Danielle Green, a 19-year-old student, was in the library. She braced the door and watched the initial attack in the office through glass.
The suspect stabbed a man who was on his back on the floor when a very big man, she said, rushed to help. That man fought with the attacker, who then turned on him. According to police accounts, its possible that the larger man took one knife off the suspect, only to be stabbed by another knife that the man was carrying.
Friends said last night that it was Donte Dunnagan who fought with the knife-wielding suspect. Not surprising, they say, because Dunnagan, at 6 feet tall and more than 250 pounds, is a part-time professional wrestler.
Dunnagans girlfriend, Therese Buckhardt, 21, of Logan, was standing vigil at his bedside last night after he had come out of surgery at Grant.
He suffered knife wounds to his face, shoulder, arm, finger and abdomen, with the thrust into his abdomen hitting his diaphragm, she said. He was in critical but stable condition but had not yet been able to talk.
He was just protecting the lives of people he loves, said Buckhardt, who met her boyfriend at a wrestling show in Nelsonville about 18 months ago. He would have done that for anybody; he has a big heart.
In addition to working in the financial aid office at Miami-Jacobs, Dunnagan is attending medical-billing classes there, she said. Dunnagan, of the South Side, wrestles under the name   'Dangerous Damien Kass in regional matches.
It doesnt surprise me at all if he was a hero, said Ric Connely of Cincinnati, who wrestled Dunnagan in 2002 and now owns the World Wrestling Coalition.
If anyone was threatened, he would immediately rise to the occasion. Hes a passionate man, a boisterous, very loud gentleman, and I mean that in the most affectionate way possible. Hes very big and very full of life, Connely said.
Weiner said the suspect was disarmed of one of his knives in the offices but had two more with him.
A second victim has been identified as Jeffrey Maloon, of Dublin, who is assigned to the attorney generals Court of Claims section. He graduated from Capital University Law School in Columbus and has been licensed to practice law since 1983. The attorney general has offices in the building where the attack occurred.
Maloon was in critical condition last night at Grant. His family and friends couldnt be reached.
As the suspect fled the building yesterday afternoon, he ran right into arriving police officers.
Witnesses said that one officer shot him repeatedly when he refused to drop the two knives he carried and lunged at her. She injured her knee but not seriously.
From what were hearing from witnesses, she acted very heroically, Weiner said.
A second officer fired a Taser, though it was unclear exactly when or whether it had any effect.
Dean Mullikin, 49, of Xenia, was loading his truck on Gay Street when dozens of panicked people burst out of the doors and ran in all directions.
They were screaming and yelling, Get out of here!  Mullikin said.
Amid the confusion, Mullikin saw two of the stabbing victims stagger from the building. Both of the men, one in business attire and the other wearing a T-shirt, were covered with blood.
Mullikin then looked west on Gay Street and saw the suspect confronting police.
The officer shot the suspect, and his knees buckled as he nearly went down. Then he straightened up, still holding the knife. The officer then shot the suspect again. He fell and stayed down as other officers handcuffed him, Mullikin said.
Jason Jackson, 31, works at the Gordons Gourmet restaurant, where about 25 people were having lunch when he heard a scream and everyone stood up.
He said a security guard ordered everyone out, and pandemonium erupted. He ran but circled back and saw the knife-wielding man outside.
He was lunging at the officer, Jackson said. He heard five shots.
It was a beautiful day, he said. I came to work just thinking I was going to be at work.
He bounced nervously from foot to foot.
I cant stand still.
Reporters Charlie Boss, Alan Johnson, Dean Narciso, Jennifer Smith Richards, Susan Stonick and Jim Woods contributed to this story.