ManaByte said:
Why because I'm not drooling over ****ing Eragon? What the **** dude?
Again, of the three Rocky is worth buying.
Night at the Museum is probably worth a rent if you didn't see it in theaters.
And Eragon is just shit. Just because a movie is on Blu-Ray (or HD-DVD) doesn't make it worth hyping.
It's seriously on the verge of blantant viral marketing at this stage and it's ****ing annoying.
No; the question remains the same; why go through so much effort to champion HD-DVD and put down BD constantly?
I don't see you putting down HD-DVD, and I don't see you glowing about BD, despite your assertions that you're neutral (you're not).
So... all that energy working towards championing HD-DVD... you deserve it; you deserve it, if it fails, if it stagnates, or if it manages to beat out BD and becomes *the* HD media format.
Whatever the case is; you don't deserve a unified format under BD, as again; you're working actively against it.
I mean; perfectly fine if you would actually be balanced and neutral... but it's utterly clear to everyone that you are a shill for HD-DVD, as I am for BD. Well, I'm really a shill for personal advantage in the form of not having to pay out for an additional HD player, but hey, I'm a selfish bastard like that.
You can't really take the same moral ground as me either; you can't say because you have both players you'd want both to succeed; it would still be more advantageous for you to have a unified format, where all the media is released to; there's less logistical problem involved in a single HD format compared to two. When you look for stand alone players, you won't be restricted to HD/BD combo players; the market will be a single format. It's just convenient for *everyone* except for HD-DVD patent holders to have a single unified format.
And shit; if it happens to be HD-DVD by some weird wacky twist of fate, then fine, whatever; as long as it happens, I'm all for it.
I mean, what it really boils down to is, why do you take the stance you do?
I'm all about unified format.
I'm like steve ballmer, chanting unified format.
But for what end do you fight for HD-DVD? some misguided loyalty or dislike for companies? an unholy obsession with iHD and the overwhelming fear, uncertainty and doubt that BD will ever match it?
That's the question I pose for all HD-DVD supporters.