7 7imz Member Jun 23, 2004 #1 A month ago I partitioned my C drive using partition magic and installed fedora core. Well, I dont' need it anymore, how do i remove it exactly?
A month ago I partitioned my C drive using partition magic and installed fedora core. Well, I dont' need it anymore, how do i remove it exactly?
D DarienA The black man everyone at Activision can agree on Jun 23, 2004 #3 The easiest way would simply be to use partition magic to recreate your partitions IMO.
7 7imz Member Jun 23, 2004 #4 i actually had fedore core installed before . When i tried to remove it the first time by just resizing the partitoins, the computer got messed up. I had to reinstall windows.
i actually had fedore core installed before . When i tried to remove it the first time by just resizing the partitoins, the computer got messed up. I had to reinstall windows.
S sefskillz shitting in the alley outside your window Jun 23, 2004 #5 did you try formatting the partition via partition magic and then resizing after that.
K KonVex Member Jun 23, 2004 #8 GG-Duo said: question: How do i get rid of the bootloader? Click to expand... Try "fdisk /MBR". This will overwrite the master boot sector with the standard windows version.
GG-Duo said: question: How do i get rid of the bootloader? Click to expand... Try "fdisk /MBR". This will overwrite the master boot sector with the standard windows version.