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HP CEO justifies blocking third-party ink cartridges by claiming they can inject malware
Security experts ask for real-world evidence
Even with a case filed against the company for blocking third-party inks using its Dynamic Security updates a few days ago, HP is adamant about doing what it can to maintain a monopoly in its refillable ink cartridges for its printers. While this isn't a new practice from HP, it continues to push forward with consumer-unfriendly tactics, from bricking printers to the latest: claiming that third-party ink cartridges can be used to infect users' PCs with viruses.
In an interview with CNBC, HP Inc. CEO Enrique Lores said, "We have seen that you can embed viruses in the cartridges. Through the cartridge, the virus can go to the printer, and then from the printer, go to the network."
The level of BS from this guy is stunning.