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I Am A Killer (Netflix Original Documentary Series)

Has anybody else checked out this new documentary series on Netflix? I was a little conflicted about it since I don't think giving convicted murderers a platform to discuss their crimes is necessarily a great idea. After a couple of episodes however they have changed my mind. I think they do a great job of looking at these crimes from all angles INCLUDING that of the convicted murderer.

In the episodes I watched we were given the story from the criminal's perspective first and then we get the prosecutions version of events followed by family and friends from both sides of the murder. Overall it has provided an interesting look into the minds of these folks along with those of the remaining victims and law enforcement. I would definitely recommend it to anyone with an interest in the US justice system.

Here is the trailer I pulled from YouTube:



Yes, I have watched about five episodes. The first episode was good. At first, I believed Kenneth Foster but then the prosecution gave a compelling argument that they robbed several other people before a person killed. I also felt for the grandfather who is 90 and has the tragedy of a son who was a drug dealer and a grandson (the subject of the episode) end up in prison. Can’t imagine having to deal with that sort of situation.

I didn’t care for the episode where the convict says that Satan made him do it.

I think Netflix has been putting out a lot of good content.
I've only watched the first episode with the guy who looks like Stone Cold Steve Austin and how this guy actually wanted to get on death row.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Yes, I’ve been watching over the last few days. I’m at about episode 8 or 9, I think. It’s a very good show.

I’m surprised how often the convict seems convincing at the start and then you see him in a totally different light by the end.
Yes, I have watched about five episodes. The first episode was good. At first, I believed Kenneth Foster but then the prosecution gave a compelling argument that they robbed several other people before a person killed. I also felt for the grandfather who is 90 and has the tragedy of a son who was a drug dealer and a grandson (the subject of the episode) end up in prison. Can’t imagine having to deal with that sort of situation.

I didn’t care for the episode where the convict says that Satan made him do it.

I think Netflix has been putting out a lot of good content.

I actually watched the Kenneth Foster Episode first and it alleviated most of my worries about how tasteful it could be. I was almost convinced by Mr. Foster too. I definitely agree he shouldn't have been on death row. I used to be against it altogether but now I think it should be used but only when there is clear evidence of a premeditated murder. I don't want innocents on death row but if there is evidence that makes it crystal clear they committed a heinous crime with premeditation get rid of them.

If I had watched Episode 1 first I would have likely had a very different opinion about the show. That first one is a doozy. You feel for the guy because his upbringing was terrible but you can just see that gleam in his eye that he would hurt you too if he had a chance. It also highlights how terribly the system can fail some people.

I have only watched the first 3 so far, I think the satan one is next? Looking forward to watching more...

Yes, I’ve been watching over the last few days. I’m at about episode 8 or 9, I think. It’s a very good show.

I’m surprised how often the convict seems convincing at the start and then you see him in a totally different light by the end.

That part gets me too. I'm not sure if I am just too empathetic or gullible but I felt for Kenneth Foster and even a little for Justin Dickens.
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I didn’t care for the episode where the convict says that Satan made him do it.

So I just watched this episode and it highlighted my original concern with this show. They allow the convicted murderers to make unfounded accusations against the victim in an attempt to justify the crime. At least it was immediately refuted by the district attorney that they were never provided any evidence of such.


Old Member
I've been eyeing it for a couple days, probably will watch it eventually. It hits a little close to home right now though, as my best friend is currently awaiting trial for the murder of his ex-wife a couple years ago. I think it's important to see something like this from all sides and to hear the accounts of both the accused and the victims, but I'm not particularly interested in watching convicted killers try to elicit sympathy from me by trying to justify what they did at this point in time. It's just too raw a subject for me, and probably will be for a good while.


Same here. Satan is a force that I use to serve my own needs. I have no respect for those who are overpowered by its urgings.
This checks out.
After a couple more episodes I have to say I am shocked how many of these guys have said that they weren't aware of the death penalty. As if they can't believe that might be their punishment for taking another's life. I guess its probably just a form of denial they use to cope with where they ended up in life.

I've been eyeing it for a couple days, probably will watch it eventually. It hits a little close to home right now though, as my best friend is currently awaiting trial for the murder of his ex-wife a couple years ago. I think it's important to see something like this from all sides and to hear the accounts of both the accused and the victims, but I'm not particularly interested in watching convicted killers try to elicit sympathy from me by trying to justify what they did at this point in time. It's just too raw a subject for me, and probably will be for a good while.

Damn, I can't imagine how that must feel. I hope you are able to find a way to cope with it and move forward for yourself.
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Old Member
After a couple more episodes I have to say I am shocked how many of these guys have said that they weren't aware of the death penalty. As if they can't believe that might be their punishment for taking another's life. I guess its probably just a form of denial they use to cope with where they ended up in life.

Damn, I can't imagine how that must feel. I hope you are able to find a way to cope with it and move forward for yourself.

Appreciate it.


I did not like Deandra Buchanan in episode 7. He seems in denial that he was coherent when he committed his crimes and that he physically abused his girlfriend and mother of his children. He shot her in the face while she was holding a five month old baby. He also shot two other family members.

The common theme with many of these killers is that they had terrible parents. Makes you think that maybe having a test and certain qualifications might not be a bad idea to be a parent.

Almost done with this series. Just have the last episode to watch.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I did not like Deandra Buchanan in episode 7. He seems in denial that he was coherent when he committed his crimes and that he physically abused his girlfriend and mother of his children. He shot her in the face while she was holding a five month old baby. He also shot two other family members.

The common theme with many of these killers is that they had terrible parents. Makes you think that maybe having a test and certain qualifications might not be a bad idea to be a parent.

Almost done with this series. Just have the last episode to watch.
Yeah, he had no remorse whatsoever and just lied and lied. Absolute gutless scumbag.


Gold Member
The first episode, fuck that guy he can drink bleach or get his ass snuffed, he's a bitch ass coward.

Just finished the second one and that one was pretty powerful, as well as emotional. It is a tough one to digest looking at it from the outside while at the same time trying to empathize with both parties. I feel empathy for the victim's brother as well as the prisoner's grandfather, and sympathy for Kenneth (the prisoner).

One to the third.
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Unconfirmed Member
I know people that served 20+ years for murder. Watching this series just felt very meh in comparison. Mindhunter S2 when?


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I know people that served 20+ years for murder. Watching this series just felt very meh in comparison. Mindhunter S2 when?

I haven't watched this yet, but based on the comments here will make a point to check it out ...... But, yeah, Mindhunter S2, can't wait, the first season was fantastic.
Mindhunter has been on my list since it hit, I definitely need to give it a watch soon.

It's one of the best Netflix originals!

The first episode, fuck that guy he can drink bleach or get his ass snuffed, he's a bitch ass coward.

Just finished the second one and that one was pretty powerful, as well as emotional. It is a tough one to digest looking at it from the outside while at the same time trying to empathize with both parties. I feel empathy for the victim's brother as well as the prisoner's grandfather, and sympathy for Kenneth (the prisoner).

One to the third.

Yea, I would say that the dude in Episode 2 was the only person I've had a lot of sympathy for so far. I mean he was on death row and didn't even commit or really participate in the act. He was just driving. He was definitely an accomplice but death row should be reserved for those folks who commit the most horrid acts with their own hands.
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