W Willco Hollywood Square Jun 24, 2004 #3 I was disappointed to find out that this was not a picture of Olimario's girlfriend.
M mightynine Member Jun 24, 2004 #6 Willco said: I was disappointed to find out that this was not a picture of Olimario's girlfriend. Click to expand... It's not like you can't order the catalog from OliEnterprises, no?
Willco said: I was disappointed to find out that this was not a picture of Olimario's girlfriend. Click to expand... It's not like you can't order the catalog from OliEnterprises, no?
M mightynine Member Jun 24, 2004 #8 This article spawned the Fark thread that led to the first pic. Just to make it full circle.
M mightynine Member Jun 24, 2004 #9 Now, I'm curious as to whether this girl is cute or if she's just got huge tracts of land.
L levious That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us. Jun 24, 2004 #10 Bacon said: Couldn't think of a worse place for stretch marks. Click to expand... I can think of one.
Bacon said: Couldn't think of a worse place for stretch marks. Click to expand... I can think of one.
R Rabid Wolverine Member Jun 24, 2004 #11 mightynine said: Now, I'm curious as to whether this girl is cute or if she's just got huge tracts of land. Click to expand... That black top should'nt be there.
mightynine said: Now, I'm curious as to whether this girl is cute or if she's just got huge tracts of land. Click to expand... That black top should'nt be there.
T The Shadow Member Jun 24, 2004 #12 mightynine said: Now, I'm curious as to whether this girl is cute or if she's just got huge tracts of land. Click to expand... You know, she actually is good looking. I'd say the breasts are too big though. I thought only average looking models needed boobs that big to distract from an otherwise average face.
mightynine said: Now, I'm curious as to whether this girl is cute or if she's just got huge tracts of land. Click to expand... You know, she actually is good looking. I'd say the breasts are too big though. I thought only average looking models needed boobs that big to distract from an otherwise average face.
L Luscious LeftFoot Member Jun 24, 2004 #13 I'm actually surprised there aren't more threads and pics dedicated to Euro cup girls. There were quite a few back during the World cup. Good times.
I'm actually surprised there aren't more threads and pics dedicated to Euro cup girls. There were quite a few back during the World cup. Good times.
A AlphaSnake ...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack Jun 24, 2004 #14 Who the hell is she!?! She's hot!
K Kiriku SWEDISH PERFECTION Jun 24, 2004 #16 DrM said: Inge aus Sweden let me touch you Click to expand... That doesn't sound much like svenska to me.
DrM said: Inge aus Sweden let me touch you Click to expand... That doesn't sound much like svenska to me.
L Lathentar Looking for Pants Jun 24, 2004 #17 Bacon said: Couldn't think of a worse place for stretch marks. Click to expand... Sadly, thats the first thing I noticed as well
Bacon said: Couldn't think of a worse place for stretch marks. Click to expand... Sadly, thats the first thing I noticed as well
M mightynine Member Jun 24, 2004 #18 Lathentar said: Sadly, thats the first thing I noticed as well Click to expand... I was looking at the whole package (or at least what we can see in the pic) on this one. The, ahem, assets aside, she has an amazing face, IMO. EDIT: For those who first thought stretch marks, I give you this:
Lathentar said: Sadly, thats the first thing I noticed as well Click to expand... I was looking at the whole package (or at least what we can see in the pic) on this one. The, ahem, assets aside, she has an amazing face, IMO. EDIT: For those who first thought stretch marks, I give you this:
M mightynine Member Jun 25, 2004 #19 Bumping because, dammit! It's my thread and I'm an attention whore!