I had a surprisingly nice Warner Bros night


Perpetually Offended
So I was on Max earlier this evening/night and really enjoyed myself.

Creature Commandos

The first 2 episodes are out and it's kinda like peacemaker more than suicide squad IMO. Episode 2 followed The Bride and Nina (the aquatic character) more and I really dug The Bride's back story and it informed why she is the way she is. Rick Flag Sr was just good so far, voiced by Frank Grillo, and Doc Phosphorus and GI Robot are both interesting characters I can't wait to see more of. Nina is the kindest character of them all so far. The stand out action sequences are the Rick/Phosphorus fight (episode 1) and the Bride/Circe fight (episode 2). It's got me hooked. Great into to the DCU!

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

REALLY gave me OG vibes and I liked how they incorporated old VFX into a modern film. It was good, not great but that's all I needed from it. Very sweet at moments, warm at others, laugh out loud at yet other moments (Keaton is a treasure). See this whenever you can. And Jenna Ortega is going to look 16 the rest of her life, it seems.

Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story

This doc had me in my feelings. I learned so much more about Chris Reeve than I ever knew before and I had no idea his wife had also passed! Or maybe I forgot? I also didn't know he had 3 kids! I thought it was just one! Seeing the impact he had on people really moved me and he said something that goes to show you never know what impact you have on people, even those you don't know or even noticed: "I'm not a hero. I've never been a hero" ... Yet he was and is a hero to many, abled and disabled.
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