Being a married homeowner with two kids has put a serious hurting on my "me time" over the last 4 years. Being the slavedriver that she is, my wife insists that I "get up before noon and go to work" and "pay attention to my kids". Consequently, my gaming time has been drastically reduced since my bachelor days. But this weekend was different. My wife took the kids out of state to her mother's place for a night, and left me to fend for myself. I had absolutely nothing to do, and no responsibility. No lawn to mow, no projects to finish, no homework from the office. Nothing but 24 hours of pizza, beer, and videogames. And it felt good! Over the course of the day I played approximately 14 hours, stopping only to sleep, grab another slice, or to take a piss. I was the laziest man on in the country, if only for one day. In my Hutt-like state, I managed to plow through 3 planets in KOTOR and took a severe beating in many-a-game of UT2K4.
After I had properly glutonized myself and couldn't play another minute, I pryed myself off the couch and off to bed.
So when was your last Gamer Day?
After I had properly glutonized myself and couldn't play another minute, I pryed myself off the couch and off to bed.
So when was your last Gamer Day?