I just got REmake, you see never been a resident evil fan, actually I never really played a resident evil game, only re 2 on the pc untill i got pissed with the controls, and i got stuck in this puzzle after like 20 minutes so i stopped and uninstalled the game. But with the remakes beutifull graphics, and the mostly positive impressions, i decided its time I give the ol' resident evil another chance. And im actually having fun. the controls dont bother me, im using type c controls and its been smooth so far, and i dont have any trouble navegating through the pre renderd backgrounds and "akward"(sp?) camera angels. The only thing that bothers me is the damn save system. I just explored, got a few items, moved along, and then i got to a point where three fuckin zombies attacked me, it was hopeless, they killed, and all that prgress is now lost. damn. All things considerd, its a really nice game, and a must have for every cube owner. DAMN U ZOMBIES! oh and what does the red herb do? where the hell is that chest for items? played for like two hours and didnt see one.