…these side missions are offensively uninspired. The mission where you have to take pictures of the campus and guess where things are is just awful and for some reason after like 5 minutes of not knowing where something is the game decides ok lets end this idiots torture lol.
Not trying to sound mean but the mission with Hailie doing the graffiti for the store owner is what felt like to me at least a half ass attempt at being profound showing her perspective and all and god forgive me if im being honest the character in general feels like an attempt to be inclusive in a diversity for diversity’s sake kind of way. Just my opinion. But whatever the mission is just clunky.
That wierd mission with tracking down the robot dog and giving it to the blind lady as a guide dog lol…i mean some of these are just laughably bad. And the rest are just menial task mini games or defeat the enemies and rid the city of this evil type missions. Blatantly repetitive but whatever i enjoy the combat.
Loved the main story though and the one side mission that im sure those who’ve played the game in its entirety know what im talking about besides the big character reveal is pretty uninspired itself. Wonder if that will be dlc or a half sequel i hope its given a significant chunk of play time because i really love that character.
Also i do want to say more times than not i thoroughly enjoy the writing in this game but it does have moments where its just either very corny and not corny in a classic spidey quip kinda way just downright the joke doesnt land or the line itself doesnt have impact in some of the key emotional moments. After platinum’ing the game i sort of understand Ign’s 8 honestly even though its
ign. Anyway thanks for reading if you read this tldr tangent.
Not trying to sound mean but the mission with Hailie doing the graffiti for the store owner is what felt like to me at least a half ass attempt at being profound showing her perspective and all and god forgive me if im being honest the character in general feels like an attempt to be inclusive in a diversity for diversity’s sake kind of way. Just my opinion. But whatever the mission is just clunky.
That wierd mission with tracking down the robot dog and giving it to the blind lady as a guide dog lol…i mean some of these are just laughably bad. And the rest are just menial task mini games or defeat the enemies and rid the city of this evil type missions. Blatantly repetitive but whatever i enjoy the combat.
Loved the main story though and the one side mission that im sure those who’ve played the game in its entirety know what im talking about besides the big character reveal is pretty uninspired itself. Wonder if that will be dlc or a half sequel i hope its given a significant chunk of play time because i really love that character.
Also i do want to say more times than not i thoroughly enjoy the writing in this game but it does have moments where its just either very corny and not corny in a classic spidey quip kinda way just downright the joke doesnt land or the line itself doesnt have impact in some of the key emotional moments. After platinum’ing the game i sort of understand Ign’s 8 honestly even though its

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