You should have got it checked yesterday . But knowing my self I would have probably done the same. It really depends on how bad and if there is a cut/ bleed out of it it yesterday.
Sucks. As a father of 2. youngest is 3, I always have this fear as well so I try to be careful her not showing shit into my face / eyes.
I am sure you will be fine. It sure sounds like it got infected badly if it reached a point where you can't see.
Keep us updated.
Every strong as fuck GAFman

checks dangerous shit one day later than he should.
Once I was bitten in the ankle while cutting grass in the summer. Could have been a scorpion, could have been a snake, could have been a scorpion riding a snake, who cares. I think it was a snake because I saw something moving in the tall dry yellow grass.
Well, it didn't exactly hurt, more like a low itch and the kind of dull pain when u hit something not hard, so I didn't care that much. And in fact, it went less and less itchy and less dull.
It blew up, literally.
One day and a half later, at 2:00AM, I'm telling my bro to take me to the ER to check my ankle, mainly because I'm losing feeling in it and I can't use the clutch very well in that state.
I get there and the usual medical front desk dumbo is there to check you in, probably half to three quarters to deep sleep. I wake him up and I explain what, when and how, and he asks me if it's painful, and I said no.
Next thing, the man says in an uppity tone:
'If it isn't painful, why did you come here?'
I then proceed to slam my leg and my ankle the size of a handball on the desk and ask him in a strong tone of voice:
'Do you think THIS not being painful at all IT'S FUCKING NORMAL?!?!?!?'
He took a look and next thing he's coming out to grab a wheelchair, sit me and checking me in. Two young girls at the general ER that night, one Doctor and the other girls is a Nurse and I know her.
She asks me what's up and I show her, she goes
WTF did you do!!!

It wasn't me I swear, it was the snake!!!

So after a bit of checking, the Doctor says here, and pokes me with Methylprednisolone and that's that. It goes flat during that night and next morning i just have a bit of rubbery skin in thay spot, and descaling during years in the ankle. Like real scale flakes forming and coming down. I think that mutated snake

wanted me to become part of hiSsSs Clan.