I rewatched Pleasantville for the first time since it’s release


Gold Member
It’s goofy, but there’s so much heart in it. It’s such a great movie. I remember seeing it when it came out and liking it, but after growing up, starting a family and whatnot, I’ve been trying to go back and rewatch movies from my younger years. Not that I was young when Pleasantville came out, I just wasn’t the man I am today.

I can’t recommend this movie enough though. It’s got something for everyone.


I immediately corrected to Point Pleasant and had to do a double take.

You probably mean the town, but there was actually a very short lived TV show called Point Pleasant in the mid-2000’s. About this girl who was probably the Antichrist, and could have made for a good horror/mystery show, but I remember it felt too slow paced IMHO.


This is one of those movies that I know I saw back in the day, but I can remember jack shit about it other than it was like mostly black and white I think.


I remember watching that in my humanities class. I never heard of it at that time and so I didn't expect anything which made it even better.
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You probably mean the town, but there was actually a very short lived TV show called Point Pleasant in the mid-2000’s. About this girl who was probably the Antichrist, and could have made for a good horror/mystery show, but I remember it felt too slow paced IMHO.
I meant exactly the TV series. I know, I’m old.
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