That.... was a great game back in 1984
I was wondering how long it would take for GAF to recognize the original. Kudos
I Robot was a breakthrough experiment with "3D" graphics, alongside the Star Wars arcade game and Battlezone. It also was an innovator in audio, character focus, minigame structure, and other aspects. Not many people have played it (it was not a hit, it did not have a popular franchise tie like Star Wars or even the Star Trek arcade game, it's hard, and IMO its only sometimes fun to play, ) but it's historically important.
It's also a good game to do a retro remake of... although the OP could have given more of a heads up in the headline that this isn't what most people might expect.
Reminds me of Tempest 2000. Even down to the techno soundtrack.
Yep. Same designer, Jeff Mintner.