I've been helping this family friend out for a few months when he's needed to help him out with his computer and stuff for his construction firm. He and his buisness partner payed me for some services that i did over the March/April/May time period. And asked what it would take to get this planning table up and running.
Well it looks like they listened to me and want me to head up the planning and databasing needed for individual plans and proposals. They didnt want to pay for having me be trained in this stuff. (trust me its almost over my head) Its like using Excel with Quickbook and a 2-D map maker and marker system all in one.
So i get this call up today from my friend and he's like i've got a job for you i want you to start tommorrow morning at 8. Due to family reasons (my grandfather going through a bi-pass operation) i'm unavailable till friday. So i ask him how long this will be for, as i thought i would just be setting up the databases and then teaching the lead planner/architect.
Well we continue our conversation and he tells me that it would pay 7 bucks unless i thought i was worth more. And that i would be payed weekly. I've never once had a job where i've had to show up every day on time. So i'm totaly shocked.
I dont want to disapoint, but if i cant perform the desired task then i'm gonna be up shit creek with-out the paddle. I would be working 8 to 5 M-F. now i too can be on gaf from work like many of you.
I'm happy yet at the same time not relieved, in fact i'm stressed almost by it. As i dont have a car so i have to worry about getting there in a timely fashion. Plus this is a family friend. My mother talks with this person and so does my father. So if i dont do a great job that reflects kind of badly on me. But i can only try.
Well it looks like they listened to me and want me to head up the planning and databasing needed for individual plans and proposals. They didnt want to pay for having me be trained in this stuff. (trust me its almost over my head) Its like using Excel with Quickbook and a 2-D map maker and marker system all in one.
So i get this call up today from my friend and he's like i've got a job for you i want you to start tommorrow morning at 8. Due to family reasons (my grandfather going through a bi-pass operation) i'm unavailable till friday. So i ask him how long this will be for, as i thought i would just be setting up the databases and then teaching the lead planner/architect.
Well we continue our conversation and he tells me that it would pay 7 bucks unless i thought i was worth more. And that i would be payed weekly. I've never once had a job where i've had to show up every day on time. So i'm totaly shocked.
I dont want to disapoint, but if i cant perform the desired task then i'm gonna be up shit creek with-out the paddle. I would be working 8 to 5 M-F. now i too can be on gaf from work like many of you.
I'm happy yet at the same time not relieved, in fact i'm stressed almost by it. As i dont have a car so i have to worry about getting there in a timely fashion. Plus this is a family friend. My mother talks with this person and so does my father. So if i dont do a great job that reflects kind of badly on me. But i can only try.