"Hey Matt, just wondering if you've had much time with the Pikmin 2 import. I've finished it and it's by far one of my favorite games this generation. What are your thoughts?"
lol this was a funny thread. Appearently he is drunk
gotta love matt.
Been playing and absolutely love it. Will get a guaranteed higher score than the first. Fan-freaking-tastic sequel.
Don't hold out on Pikmin 2. The game kicks every kind of ass on the market. Seriously, it's one of those rare sequels that makes the first seem amateur.
Peer and I have been playing Pikmin 2. Read our impressions, guys. We don't lie. The game delivers. "Hella" fun, as the kids say.
I have to admit that I'm more excited for Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, and Zelda than anything else. Does that make me a Nintendo fanboy? Perhaps. But it's the truth.
And don't get me wrong, guys. My friends are here. We're drunk. And I just showed them Chronicles of Riddick, which is a gorgeous and satisfying game. That noted, I'd throw the game in the trash and then incinerate my trash can for the chance to play finished copies of RE4, Prime 2 or LoZ.
Note that I'm not including Legend of Zelda because -- simply -- this game will own everything else in the universe, be it a videogame or not. I think that it might in fact start a new religion. Certainly it has for me.
PS. Have a good weekend
lol this was a funny thread. Appearently he is drunk