My local store has these games in - Mr. Driller G for PSX is $25 new and Espgaluda (sp?) that cool looking new 2D shooter for PS2 as well. Any idea if either is any good? How is the port of Espgaluda for PS2? I don't want a shooter that's five levels and gonna last 25 mins....
My local store has these games in - Mr. Driller G for PSX is $25 new and Espgaluda (sp?) that cool looking new 2D shooter for PS2 as well. Any idea if either is any good? How is the port of Espgaluda for PS2? I don't want a shooter that's five levels and gonna last 25 mins....
All shooters are 5 levels and last 25 minutes, Espgaluda included. The fun of it comes from replaying it over and over again for high score.
Mr Driller G is definitely worth $25, though. In fact, if they have multiple copies I'd send over the money for you to buy one for me, if that'd be possible?
Yeah, the 2p is really fun and the music is absolutely brilliant. If you've ever played the other games in the series (they all share music, with a few exclusive tracks per game) you know what kinds of RAD to expect, but if not, get ready to be totally blown away. It's some of the best music you'll find in any game, period.
No. Twist his arm. Who cares if he likes it in the end - the more people buying Cave games, the better.
Espgaluda is pretty gentle and accessible by Cave standards, so it could be the game that shows Vibri the light. I was once a 25 minute shooter hating fool myself. If I can be saved, anyone can.
Oh, and if they have any extra copies of Mr. Driller G send one to me instead of Bobby. He probably has 50 of them already.