Thick Thighs Save Lives
NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
What are your thoughts on this GAF? Do you side with the dev or the customer in this specific instance?
Phil Fish alone did some serious damage to the indie scene. I never wanted to buy an indie game after the way he behaved and acted he was superior to literally everyone else including Japanese developers who have a back catalog that on a bad day eclipse Fez on its bestIf you can’t support it then don’t sell it. That simple. Also: indie game devs really exposed themselves to be narcissist cunts on Twitter in a way that few other professions did (also: journalists).
If only he had 1/10th of a AAA budget game
Before reading the twitter sequence I disagreed with this. I don't anymore.I hope that his game gets delisted from steam and that he is barred from making future steam games. Off to epic games store or game pass with you, whiney millenial.
Not gonna happen, Epic Store and Gamepass are more curated than Steam. Valve allows millions of shovelware to be released on their platform.I hope that his game gets delisted from steam and that he is barred from making future steam games. Off to epic games store or game pass with you, whiney millenial.
It wouldn't hurt him to not be an utter embarrassment, and to have his effemine friends show up to loudly scream about how 'gamers' are bozos, morons, etc. Is there a reason why this was needed to be made public, or is this some zoomer shit that I'm just not across?Totally understand this guy’s private thoughts, probably shouldn’t have made them public. There’s an endless supply of whiny dorks who will whine, you have to just put on your customer service face as a dev or ignore them.
A lot of western devs are like this, a lot of them are rude to their customers, meanwhile a Japanese dev will literally bow and tell you im sorry i hope you enjoy our game, the western dev will give you the middle finger and tell you buy it or fuck off. lol. (Obviously im generalizing)It wouldn't hurt him to not be an utter embarrassment, and to have his effemine friends show up to loudly scream about how 'gamers' are bozos, morons, etc. Is there a reason why this was needed to be made public, or is this some zoomer shit that I'm just not across?
I came into this thread to ask that same question. Never fails.I was reading the thread and I thought 'I bet this guy has pronouns in his bio', scrolled up, and sure enough...
I don't think anyone should be bowing and scraping when being abused and insulted by one of their customers, but also, openly mocking someone who has a legitimate issue - if even if it's something HE doesn't care about, in broken achievements - is utterly pathetic. And having imbeciles like Mitch Dyer show up to radiate that simpering, frightened, beta nerd energy just makes the whole thing embarrassing. And that's before you get to the fact that their wear pronouns like fucking swastikas.A lot of western devs are like this, a lot of them are rude to their customers, meanwhile a Japanese dev will literally bow and tell you im sorry i hope you enjoy our game, the western dev will give you the middle finger and tell you buy it or fuck off. lol. (Obviously im generalizing)
The dev needs to know how to take feedback and criticism better. His response most certainly didn't make the situation better. It didn't need to go on and on like that either.
Honestly it's why so many studios have a well experienced community team. They're the ones that talk with players, no one else on the team, haha.Failing that, get a handler. It feels like some devs could sure use one.
If only he had 1/10th of a AAA budget game
I think he took the person’s very harsh review as a personal attack, which makes sense to me that he would feel that way when he’s invested so much time into creating something and someone is publicly lying telling people it doesn’t run and not to buy it when apparently it was just a broken a broken achievement. He should have just laughed at the ridiculousness of some random kid’s opinion, responded publicly very politely addressing the issue, and boom that’s an easy win for him. Instead, he played into this person’s negativity and came across as a prick, really own-goaled himself.It wouldn't hurt him to not be an utter embarrassment, and to have his effemine friends show up to loudly scream about how 'gamers' are bozos, morons, etc. Is there a reason why this was needed to be made public, or is this some zoomer shit that I'm just not across?
No it wasn't. In fact that was the issue is that the game has no disclaimer that it might not support newer hardware or there's issues with the achievements.With the dev in this instance if the product is labelled as being unsupported.
Also refunding a 99c game... be still my heart!
Damn he's really hot though.
No it wasn't. In fact that was the issue is that the game has no disclaimer that it might not support newer hardware or there's issues with the achievements.