After chatting about intellivision with you guys the other day
I decided to pick up Intellivision Lives! for the PS2.
It's pretty sweet and alot better than I expected. Especially considering the difference in controller. All the games I've tried are playable. It just takes a minute to relearn the controls.
I've been playing some Utopia, Poker and Blackjack, Sea Battle,
Can't believe how well these games have held up.
But some of my favorite games like AD&D and Ice Trek are missing!
Anyone know if Intellivision Rocks is coming out for PS2?
I decided to pick up Intellivision Lives! for the PS2.
It's pretty sweet and alot better than I expected. Especially considering the difference in controller. All the games I've tried are playable. It just takes a minute to relearn the controls.
I've been playing some Utopia, Poker and Blackjack, Sea Battle,
Can't believe how well these games have held up.
But some of my favorite games like AD&D and Ice Trek are missing!
Anyone know if Intellivision Rocks is coming out for PS2?