Each month, the iOS GAF community hosts a thread for new game releases, rumors and discussion that define the fast-moving world of iOS gaming.
The OP will contain games that released both towards the end of the previous month and games that have released during the current month.
All the games listed will have been highlighted by the GAF community in one way or another. This way you can keep tabs on the best games and at the same time curate an excellent resource to look back on to find games you may have missed.
Also keep an eye out for the ‘GAF iOS Challenges’; events where GAF battle it out on the Game Center leaderboards of a chosen game for both fame and fortune (prizes donated by members of our community).
If you're a developer who wishes to have your game featured, please talk about your game in the thread and if the GAF community at large likes the game then your wish just might be granted. Please note that there's a difference between posting about a game you made and just advertising your game with no further interaction with the community, this thread is not for the latter and such advertising behavior is frowned upon.

. Awesome game. I was concerned about getting it originally because I wasn't sure how "board gamey" it was, but with the launch sale I figured I'd see what the hype was about and glad I did. Great adaptation and highly recommended.
It's the awesome Galaxy Trucker digital board game, now on iPhone. Same fun ship building, expansive campaign, and addictive multiplayer, for a smaller screen

Really challenging arcade evasion where you manipulate time. It's a really cool subversion of the usual twitch game formula. Rather than moving around the screen to avoid obstacles and dodge billets, your cube moves at a steady speed down the middle of the screen while you alter the speed of the obstacles. Speed them to clear a path or slow them down to allow your cube time to pass. The different obstacles and patterns offer a lot of variety for such a simple concept. My main gripe is that there's no level select and no IAP to remove ads

So, Platform Panic...
I love it, but I also hate it.

Enjoying papers, please but haven't olayed the PC version to compare. I hope it's normal to only be able to earn around $40 per day because it is pretty hard. As soon as you start to get the hang of one thing, they throw more rules at you. All my family except my wife died pretty quickly but now I can almost afford a grade 7 apartment.
I'm on day 20 and so far it feels great, like it was made for touch.

Played some Sneaky Sneaky and while I really like the art style and the game controls well, I feel like the game is too easy. It's too forgiving, for a stealth game at least. There's no real consequences for being spotted, no extra motivation to remain unseen. Die and you simply start in the same room. You can acquire a near endless amount of arrows to attack enemies from a distance. You can upgrade yourself with more health and more damage, making early enemies a non-issue.
Now that said, I prefer ghosting levels and old school Splinter Cell over Batman and Blacklist so those probably won't be issues for everyone. The actual game is pretty good, a nice blend of puzzle and action, real time and turn based gameplay. Enemies move in patterns that you can learn to avoid, and if you're spotted, your enemies get three turns to attack. The different enemy abilities mixed with the strategic nature of the game makes Sneaky Sneaky feel more like a puzzle game than a straight-up stealth title. The colorful cute visuals definitely give the game a nice presentation.
There's also a very slight Metroid-esque elements in that you can return to early levels with new equipment you unlock to open previously inaccessible areas. But to be clear, it's not a Metroidvania; the game is separate levels.
If there's one flaw, it's the enemies with random routes. It totally throws a wrench into the methodical puzzle nature of the game. Waiting and watching to time your movements to avoid patrols is a key and rewarding part of stealth games; waiting for the random chance of an enemy to move and having no way to know where they're go next just ruins that element

Anyone playing Volt? Got to recommend it again. It's my second time playing it, although I never progressed that far in the PC version because the mouse controls just didn't compliment with gameplay. Not the way touch controls do, since you do things like use multitouch to fire both beams at the same time.
Now that I've gotten further than I did on PC, I can say the game is definitely really great. More puzzle and action aspects than I remembered like dodging missiles and shooting enemies, and elements I hadn't encounter before like portals. Along with the limited energy beams and physics elements, I'd say it's less precision speed runner, more precision action puzzle platformer. Achieving the par times has the same appeal of reaching the slice pars in Icebreaker, figuring how to optimize each energy hook and swing. Definitely recommended
Haven't gotten far but am enjoying it so far. Only thing I don't like is that the timer starts immediately when you enter or go to the next level so you do not have time to react. I find myself having to complete the level with a higher time after being able to look at it first then replaying it to get the par time. Kind of a cheap way to increase difficulty or basically make you almost always have to replay a level.

Tunesmith said:[Played on an iPhone 6] Without spoiling anything, the first episode starts out a little slow, but I felt it got much stronger once certain key scenes involving previously known characters came around. This game puts some harsh decisions in your lap from the get go, much like in typical Game of Thrones fashion. Once the episode came to a close I was firmly invested and I am anxiously waiting for Episode 2 now. Got a solid 3-3.5 hours of play out of this, with one or two reloads when some of the choices I made had undesirable consequences. If you like Game of Thrones and interactive movie adventure games this is a no-brainer.
GoT really heats up my Air 2. So much that I feel like I'm gonna hurt it.

Bean Dreams is amazing and kumobius deserves your money. Buy it everyone!
Aaaand done with Bean Dreams. For now, since there are clearly more levels on the way.
The challenge is way toned down from the first game. Which means less frustration, yes, but also means it's not as satisfying to win. I 100%ed what's in the game so far and it didn't feel like much of an accomplishment.
Of the new gimmicks, rolling is definitely the best. The chili looks cool and is a clever idea, but meddles in an awkward way with the single thing that makes Bean's Quest so great: the perfect, simple control scheme. It's slightly painful to switch to swiping after getting accustomed to a really smooth and easy touch-and-hold control scheme the whole rest of the game. Honestly, the challenge I got from adapting to the chili control was greater than any of the platforming challenges through the rest of the game. Except that it was only challenging in a frustrating way.
Still, complaints aside, I did enjoy the game. I loved Bean's Quest when I first played it a few years ago, and played it into the ground getting 100% through the whole thing. Minus that satisfying challenge, Bean Dreams does still have the charming (and improved!) graphics, the perfect (except for the chili) gameplay, the fun iOS platforming. And perhaps the upcoming levels will change my mind on the difficulty.
Well worth the two or three bucks. Thanxolotl!

Surprisingly the touch controls work! They don't look great but I've played enough to know that you can do the entire game with them. It's not ideal but it does the job. Performance is also great on my air but it dips when I hide in bushes. Other than that (and the compressed audio), this port is really impressive.

I've been playing this, and I can confirm that the port is excellent. It is such a nice experience on the iPad.
Tunesmith said:My favorite point and click adventure game of all time, now in my pocket. Can't get much better than this!

As an old school Frogger fan, really digging Crossy Road. Just one of those "gotta try one more time" games.
I never understood the Flappy Bird phenomenon but, boy...am I addicted to Crossy Road!!!
Just unlocked Gandalf...hilarious.
The game is great, and the IAP is painless. My favorite character so far is the fish, how he moves is hilarious too... saw your score [Pitta] on twitter... I have to get back on track but Kingdom Rush Origins doesnt let me... damn..
Crossy Road - Really addictive. Nice colorful voxel art style, and simple tight controls. Going to be hooked on this for a while

So far it seems to me that is the best one yet. There are a lot of little additions here and there -like enemies going into waterfalls or along rivers- that makes an even more engrossing experience. The IAP most powerful heroes are: A walking tree that seems powerful for 5$, a magic dragon that seems even more powerful for 7$ and two "coming soon" heroes. But the basic hero -an elf archer- that comes for free seems nice. Deals damage, shoots really fast. Its a good unit. The rest of the game is the same. The same polished and balanced tower defense. The best one too, followed by Sleep Attack. Need to sleep now.
I'm not a big fan of TD genre. I've played a few but none really grabbed me.
But I decided to try Kingdom Rush Origins anyway.
After playing a few levels, I really like it, I think. Like I said, I have very little experience with TD, but here's my thoughts on why Kingdom Rush is considered top dog:
- It's easy to get into, but gets HARD pretty fast. This is probably because I suck at TD's, but I think the game will kick my ass pretty hard.
- There's something very distinct about the aesthetics. I really like the look of the game. It's simple, but charming. Same with the audio. Overall I think the presentation is very attractive, cohesive and polished, unlike a lot of generic looking games in the genre. Interface is very pleasant and polished too.
- There's a lot of micromanagement. Wow. You just don't stand idle for 10 seconds. There's always something to do. Always something to take care of. This is really different from the "set up and wait" flow I had with other games.
- Maps are very different, which makes you approach each level very differently too.
- Playing the same levels again with modifiers might be a great way to extend the length. You are not forced to do it though, so it doesn't feel like artificial padding, just more juice.
Maybe there's something else I can't define it yet, but these are the feelings this TD noob is having. Am I right or way off?
Shame there's only three heroes though. I know buying the others is not necessary, but they look so cool and must be pretty fun to play around too. A question by the way, are the heroes progressively better or just different from each other?