January flew past with some great releases in tow and February looks to be even better. We may even see releases like Star Command and Real Racing 3 potentially-maybe-finally-who-knows-maybe-not coming out!
We'll also see the glorious return of the iOS Challenges! Hosted by iOS GAF veteran Dash Kappei! See post #3 for more details from the man himself!
Let's do this!
What's happening?
Every month, a member of the iOS GAF community will host a new thread for the chronicling of new game releases, rumours, discussion and petty personal attacks that have come to define the fast-moving world of iOS gaming.
The OP will contain a list of all the best new releases for that month as they come out. This way we get to keep tabs on the best games and you (yes you), the mythical unicorn known as the iOS Novice will have an excellent resource to look back on to find games you may have missed.
Also keep an eye out for the ‘GAF iOS Challenges’; mythical events where GAF Members battle it out on the Game Center leaderboards of a chosen game for both fame and fortune (prizes donated by generous members of our community).
As months go on, Community members can also use their turn on the OP to pimp their favourite games and genres.
Without further ado, let’s bring on the games...

February Games!

Real Racing 3 | Free, Universal
Runs so-so on older iOS devices, iPhone 5/iPad 4 recommended.
Freemium with wait timers. This is the highly anticipated and now controversial second sequel in the Real Racing series. Everything in the game is essentially better/improved upon from RR2/RR1 except now you'll need to fork out $$$ if you want to play it like you may have played RR2 and RR1. General opinion is that this is an excellent game; mired heavily by a freemium business model. The developers have listened to feedback and have been making adjustments since the game's initial release in New Zeeland in mid February.
Would recommend trying the game, and reading the following article from TouchArcade: RR3 tips on how to spend as little real money as possible.


Year Walk | $3.99, Universal
Eurogamer Review said:Elegant and artful, Year Walk is an unmissable piece of work - and one that is surprisingly hard to disentangle yourself from once it's done. You can close the app and put down the phone, but the forest may spread beyond its glassy confines, its spindly, silver-skinned trees taking root in your own home, your own dreams. 9/10
Experience the ancient Swedish phenomena of year walking through a different kind of first person adventure that blurs the line between two and three dimensions as well as reality and the supernatural. Venture out into the dark woods where strange creatures roam, on a vision quest set in 19th century Sweden. Solve cryptic puzzles, touch and listen in your search to foresee the future and finally discover if your loved one will love you back.


Year Walk Companion | Free, Universal
The Year Walk Companion is the definitive guide to the mysterious myths and creatures encountered in the game Year Walk. A mini-encyclopedia to keep handy when playing, or in preparation of your adventure. Or perhaps for contemplation after having finished your year walk?
The free Year Walk Companion is essential to those who wish to get the most out of Year Walk.

Warping War Pig | Free, Universal
Blast your way through the galaxy with nothing but your high-powered rocket launcher and freedom-defining warp pack. How far can you make it? Compete with the hogs of the universe on Game Center leaderboards!

Beastie Bay | Free, Universal (Remove ads and enable landscape mode $4.99 IAP)
Beastie Bay is Kairosoft's latest iOS -- and first F2P title, a combination of monster gathering (Pokemon-esque) and city building. Most likely insanely addictive like pretty much all their other titles in the past have been (Game Dev Story, Mega Mall Story, GP Story to name a few).


After Burner Climax | $2.99, Universal
Has performance issues when run on iPad 3 due to the high resolution.
SEGA's After Burner Climax is fast and frantic arcade-style action. Dodge planes, rockets and bullets while trying to target multiple on-screen enemy aircraft. Blaze through a branching storyline of over 20 stages.


METAL SLUG 2 | $3.99, Universal
iCade and Bluetooth co-op play support


PinWar | $1.99, Universal
A new way to play pinball: face-to-face combat, in real-time!
★ BATTLE: Face your friends or the A.I. ★ MISSIONS: Solve alone, or co-op with a friend ★ EDITOR: Create your own tables

January's Games!

kairo| $4.99, Universal
Kairo is an atmospheric 3D, first-person exploration and puzzle solving game.


Gridlee | Free, Universal (MAME without jailbreaking)
Gridlee is a game that was never released. Developed by Videa, Inc. in 1982. It's a pretty neat, if brief experience. However this isn't listed here for that but for the fact that this is also a;
Full-fledged iMAME emulator with the ability to run most MAME games added via programs such as i-Funbox. Runs the risk of being removed from the App Store by Apple without notice so grab it while you can!
It has full iCade support for all games -- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED; for in-depth information and guidelines on how to fully realise the potential of this app, check the |OT| here: MAME without jailbreaking

Pixel People | Free, Universal
"Pixel People is an excellent and addictive mash-up of town building and element combining. Download it!"— IGN, 9.0/10
"Pixel People takes an apocalyptic future and makes it hopeful, cheerful and bright—if it's where freemium games are headed, we have a lot to look forward to." — Touch Arcade, 5/5


Little Inferno | $4.99, iPad
Burn flaming logs, screaming robots, credit cards, batteries, exploding fish, unstable nuclear devices, and tiny galaxies. An adventure that takes place almost entirely in front of a fireplace. From the designers of World of Goo and Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure
Technically it is made by 1/2 of the people that made World of Goo (Kyle Gabler), the creator of Henry Hatsworth (Kyle Grey), and a super amazing programmer (Allan Blomquist).

25 minute Gameplay Trailer

Dungelot | $1.99, Universal
Dungelot Lite | Free, Universal
Dungelot is a roguelike with easy controls. Flip over tiles to reveal treasures or deadly monsters in your search for the key to exit the level. While your eventual demise is all but guaranteed, you can use your loot from previous runs to build up your characters and ensure each run can be at least a little deeper.


Might & Magic Clash of Heroes | $4.99, Universal
Originally developed by GAF-friends Capybara Games (of #Sworcery/Critter Crunch fame) and nicely ported to iOS by Tag Games.“Deserves to sit with the best of the best” – 9/10 – IGN
“Go and buy Clash of Heroes. Now. Do it. You'll thank me later.” – 9/10 – Eurogamer
Discover a unique mix of RPG and exclusive puzzle battle mechanics.
Note to our IAP-allergic members; this game has IAPs but they're solely optional "shortcuts" to directly unlock factions for play in multi-player. Factions which you otherwise unlock while playing through the singleplayer.


These products are likely available from other places than the ones linked, use your own judgement when or if you want to purchase an accessory.
iCade Arcade Cabinet | $65.99, iPad

Retro-styled tabletop arcade cabinet for your otherwise useless iPad, controls via Bluetooth.
If you have an iCade, pick up this app:

Gridlee | Free, Universal
An iMAME emulator with the ability to run MAME games added via programs such as i-Funbox. It runs the risk of being removed from the App Store by Apple without notice so grab it while you can!
Full iCade support for all games -- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED; for in-depth information and guidelines on how to fully realise the potential of this app, pop into the |OT| for it here: MAME without jailbreaking
Here are a couple of video reviews of various other iCade supported titles (thanks Alextended!)
iCade hardware
Blazing Star
Shogun: Rise of the Renegade
Midway Arcade
Vectrex Regeneration
AirAttack HD
Temple Run
Gameloft Duo Gamer | $39.99, Universal

Only works with certain Gameloft games (Asphalt 7: Heat, Brothers in Arms 2: Global Front, Modern Combat 3, N.O.V.A. 3, Order & Chaos Online, NFL Pro 2013 and Wild Blood)

Q - Should I buy this newly released EA game?
A - Maybe. While most older EA titles can be seen as hot garbage, we can't predict the future. Just be aware that EA has a tendency of frequent sales where even recent titles can be a dollar/euro rather than premium $4-5. Spend your pack of gum money wisely.
Q - I just got an iPhone/iPad. What are the best games?
A - Best iOS Games Ever v1 / Best iOS Games Ever v2. You're welcome.
Q- For gaming, should I get the iPad Mini, or iPad 4?
A- Both have their pro's and con's. Mini is cheaper, and arguably a better grip for gaming, but the screen isn't as great and the device is less powerful than the 4. Most games these days all run fine on it, but I'm not sure about in a year.
Q- I'm a new iOS user, what non-gaming apps should I get ASAP?
A - This thread would be a great place to start. Asking here wouldn't hurt either!
Q - How do I back up my game saves for games that do not support iCloud save games?
A - Use a file manager program such as i-FunBox (PC/Mac versions available) - It's free and requires no jailbreak.
i-FunBox has a ton of different features, but for the purpose of backing up save games you would simply want to do the following:
- Click the iFunBox Classic tab
- Connect your iOS device, either via WiFi or USB, it should then appear in the Connected Devices list on the left side of the UI.
- Under User Applications, navigate to the game you want to back up save games for.
- Select the Documents folder and copy it to your PC/Mac - this will copy the folder and all the contents. This contains your save files and settings for the game (a bunch of .lua files).
- Under User Applications, navigate to the game you want to restore save games for.
- Select the Documents folder and choose to copy from PC/Mac
- Navigate to where you saved the backed up Documents folder on your PC/Mac, open it and select all the files within it and open them. This will copy the folder and all the contents back onto your iOS device.
- Restart/fully close the game itself and your saves should be back!
Check that the file structure of the game is GameName > Documents > .lua files after you're done (no Documents folder within the Documents folder!), otherwise the game will not recognize your restored saves!
Q - How do I hide my Real Name on Game Center?
A - Ever since iOS 4.3 your real first and last name, taken from your Apple ID, will be shown to your GC friends. If you value that information and want GAF's leaderboards to show your proper GAF nickname instead, here's how you do it:
- Open the standalone Game Center app.
- Go to the Me tab and tap the yellow ribbon that has your email written on it.
- Chose View Account and you'll be prompted for your password.
- Scroll down to the Edit Account Info section and tap on the Apple ID profile.
- Change you First and Last name (you must enter both) to whatever you like (e.g. First Name: Tunesmith, Last Name: GAF)
Done, now that's who you're going to be listed as on your friend's Game Center leaderboards from now on. This will affect Game Center *and* your Apple ID. If it's the same account you use for App Store/iTunes (like me), you will still be able to use it for iTunes/App Store's purchases (you can still buy whatever you want like you could before) *BUT* in the receipt it'll show your nickname or whatever you chose as First Name and Last Name when you changed those fields. The first time you will use the modified account on App Store/iTunes, you will be asked to verify the account by re-entering the 3 digits code of the credit card's CCV security code (if you make your purchases using a credit card, like I do).

A summary of other, current, iOS game/iOS device related threads!
iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)
Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG
January 2013 iOS Gaming |OT| We beat the apocalypse without buttons!
December 2012 iOS Gaming |OT| Santa touched me somewhere weird.
November 2012 iOS Gaming |OT| A Bold New Era!
iOS Apps |OT|
iOS Jailbreak/Unlock |OT|
iOS 6 |OT|
iPhone 5 |OT|
The New iPad |OT|
iPad Mini |OT|

How to Become an Official GAF iOS Game Center Member
The List
updated: daily (mostly).
#RULES: How to get on the list / Update your profile / Add friends
- Send Dash Kappei a PM or Send Tunesmith a PM if you want to be added or taken off the list, following this text formatting:
GAF Name = Game Center Name / iOS Device(s)
- When you add someone, add FROM GAF to the friend request and your NeoGAF name so to easily tell who's who.
- Also send Dash Kappei a PM or send Tunesmith a PM if you are already on the list but want to update your profile with more info like iOS platform(s) owned (it's cool to know who has an iPad for all the games with separate SKUs), or to just change your existing GC profile.
- We are on the list and, if you are too, it's ok to add us even if we're not best buddies; don't be shy: we enjoy having more GAFfers challenging us on the friends leaderboard.
- Don't just wait for others to add you first you should at least add some of the profiles posted above yours if you want to get the ball rolling... It's really up to you. Ideally the last member of the list will be the one to add the profiles above his, and so on and on with each new member. Or maybe just add whoever you like, that's also an option.
- Remember: your real name will be visible to your GC friends
...and that's everything for now. This is a live OP and so will change as the month goes on so check back often.
Lastly, thanks to Fuu & Dash Kappei for handling the community list's past/present duties, Dash Kappei for running the iOS Challenges and finally past OT hosts for having done a wonderful job thus far for our community, plus another small thanks to (me) Tunesmith for the banners and graphics!
Have a great continuation to 2013!