NotMSRP said:Not the US Getaway and Castlevania 4
NotMSRP said:I'm sure you mean flesh nudity and not statue nudity, right?
AndreasNystrom said:didnt duke nukem contain porn in hte cinema? or was that just in the pc-version?
jiji said:Oh, speaking of fighters, there's topless Blue Mary in Real Bout Fatal Fury, and of course there's I-No.
Wario64 said:Metal Gear Solid 2...
jobber said:Did they take out the monster raping that chick the US version?
I had this piece of crap game LOLJC10001 said:Plumbers Don't Wear Ties (3DO) with the de-censor code enabled.
JC10001 said:Plumbers Don't Wear Ties (3DO) with the de-censor code enabled.
AlphaSnake said:Intro of DOA2 Japanese for PS2 had very slight nudity. You could see through Kasumi's liquid blob thingy... :\
u_neek said:Just found pics (GameSpot)
REALDEMO is the password.dark10x said:This was present in the US Dreamcast version as well if you did something specific. I don't recall what it was, but I think it involved pulling a high score in a certain mode and entering a name. Regardless, there was some way to see that scene which you mention on the US DC version.
FortNinety said:Link Please? I can't seem to find any Dreamcast section on the site.