The problem with harddrives is their relative fragility, and their finite size.
and recordable media, like Blu-ray have all the benefits of a harddrive except for speed (which won't be much of a problem once they become faster, and better compression is used), and none of the drawbacks.
I picture the future of game buying like this:
Dedicated game shops won't exist anymore, except maybe retro and second hand shops.
You can choose to download games directly onto a blank disc, if you have a broadband connection. Or you can get your games from vending machines, with the most popular titles preburned in a physical buffer to shorten waiting time for the buyer. Blank discs can also be bought from these vending machines.
This distribution scheme would lower the overall cost of distributing games. Thereby, a) making games cheaper, b) making it less risky to put out different and innovative games.
Porthos said:
??? Could somebody explain this? I thought Blu-ray was just a HD-DVD format? What does this have to do with this topic?
Blu-ray is
not a kind of DVD format, in fact the DVD forum is against Blu-ray, and are pushing HD-DVD intead.
Most likely all Blu-ray drives will be write enabled, although Blu-ray ROMs will also exist.
Some weeks ago Sony had a press release about a Blu-ray ROM made partially of paper, making it very cheap and disposable.