I loved that game, I spent a whole summer playing this and FF Anthology. The only things I didn't really like about the game was the way you travel between towns and dungeons, it's not a fun open world map like what Xenogears and FF games have, you can only run around through a set path from one place to the next and another downer is the fact that there is not that many sidequests in the game. I think I can only remember like one or two and those were way late into the game. Still though, it was an excellent rpg experience for me, great cinematics, fun and challenging combat, with a really mysterious and deep story that keeps you extremely curious about each characters history and the overall plot. Don't get me wrong though, even though the story is interesting, it's not really well written or translated and alot of the dialogue sounds very weird and monotonous at times.
Still though, I say go for it, I think you might be happy with it.