i have a customer who comes in usually once a week. He orders the same drink, and usually pics up a PC gaming mag. When i give him his change, there's always an awkward moment where he makes direct eye contact with a sorta nervous smile. The thing is, i always make eye contact with my customers, but it's usually brief and to let them know that i'm paying attention to them. But with him, it's like he's gazing into my eyes. Sometimes it's compounded by the fact that i'm not wearing my glasses, and so it takes me a fraction of a second extra to focus.
The first time i saw him, the gazing session probably lasted three or four seconds, before i just felt really uncomfortable and looked away. It's not like he's overtly giving me "the look", but it's not a normal look either. i don't want to give him the idea that i'm interested in him.
The first time i saw him, the gazing session probably lasted three or four seconds, before i just felt really uncomfortable and looked away. It's not like he's overtly giving me "the look", but it's not a normal look either. i don't want to give him the idea that i'm interested in him.