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Israel Bans Boycotts Against the State

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A couple of days ago..

Israel Bans Boycotts Against the State

JERUSALEM — The Israeli Parliament on Monday passed contentious legislation that effectively bans any public call for a boycott against the state of Israel or its West Bank settlements, making such action a punishable offense.

Critics and civil rights groups denounced the new law as antidemocratic and a flagrant assault on the freedom of expression and protest. The law’s defenders said it was a necessary tool in Israel’s fight against what they called its global delegitimization.

Passage of the law followed a string of efforts in the rightist-dominated Parliament to promote legislation that is seen by the more liberal Israelis as an erosion of democratic values.

Some critics argued passage of the legislation against boycotts would further delegitimize Israel, which is facing increasing pressure over West Bank settlements that Palestinians regard as part of the territory for a future state. Continued construction in the settlements has been a major impediment in attempts to resume stalled peace talks.

The bill passed by 47 votes to 38. It relates to calls for economic, cultural or academic boycotts of the state, its institutions or any area under its control, a reference to occupied territories.

Offenders could face lawsuits and monetary penalties. Companies or organizations supporting a boycott could be disqualified from participating in bids for government work. Nonprofit organizations issuing boycott calls risk losing tax benefits.

The so-called Boycott Bill was sponsored by Zeev Elkin of the Likud, the conservative party led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mr. Netanyahu was absent from the vote, as was the defense minister, Ehud Barak, who leads a small centrist faction in the governing coalition.

In an opinion issued earlier on Monday, the legal adviser of the Parliament, Eyal Yinon, determined that elements of the bill bordered on unconstitutionality and struck at the core of political freedom of expression. However, Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein gave the bill his approval.

The speaker of the Parliament, Reuven Rivlin of the Likud, tried to introduce moderations in the bill, but they were rejected. Mr. Rivlin abstained from the vote.

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel and other human rights organizations said they were preparing to challenge the law in the High Court of Justice. The association described the law as “an antidemocratic step, intended to create a chilling effect on civil society.”

Ilan Gilon, a legislator from the leftist Meretz Party, said, “I do not know of anything that creates more delegitimization of Israel abroad than these laws.”

Hagai El-Ad, the executive director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and other opponents of the law have pointed out that Israelis had recently launched their first successful consumer boycott, bringing down the price of cottage cheese. “Why should Israeli citizens be allowed to boycott Israeli cottage cheese, as we have heard and seen in recent weeks, but be barred from boycotting the occupation?” he said in a recent statement.

Last year, Israeli theater artists refused to perform at a new cultural center in the urban settlement of Ariel and in other West Bank settlements, causing a public uproar. They were followed by scores of leftist Israeli academics, writers and intellectuals who said that they would not lecture at the center or in any of the settlements.

A movement of Palestinians and foreign supporters has stepped up calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Their campaigns have led to a number of cancellations by international artists.

Mr. Elkin, the sponsor of the legislation, said that its principal importance was “the fact that the calls to boycott the State of Israel increasingly have come from within our own midst, and that makes it hard to wage a battle against a boycott in the world.”​


Unsurprisingly, it hasn't gone down well.

Israel's new law effectively banning political boycotts is unconstitutional and does grievous harm to freedom of expression and protest, three dozen eminent Israeli law professors have said in a petition.

The move followed prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's robust defence of the law in the Knesset (parliament) on Wednesday in which he said he was "against boycotts aimed at the Jewish state".

The petition, sent to attorney-general Yehuda Weinstein, was signed by the deans of many of Israel's law schools, including some associated with the political right.

"This law is a classic case of the tyranny of the majority," said Alon Harel of Hebrew University, one of the instigators of the petition. "The majority aims at silencing, persecuting and threatening the minority. It conflicts directly with the principles established in Israel in the 1990s that entrench the right to freedom of speech in the legal system. It is the most cherished right in the Israeli legal system."

Under the Law for Prevention of Damage to the State of Israel through Boycott, an individual or organisation proposing a boycott may be sued for compensation by any individual or institution facing possible damage as a result. Evidence of actual damage will not be required.

It bans consumer boycotts of goods and services produced in West Bank settlements and the blacklisting of cultural and academic institutions in settlements. It also bars the government from doing business with companies that comply with boycotts.

Boycotts were a standard form of protest in Israel, Harel said. But the new law was a "non-neutral restriction".

"Speech or action which promotes one viewpoint is protected and sanctioned, yet speech which promotes another viewpoint is prohibited," he said.

Boycotts by ultra-orthodox Jews against the Israeli national airline El Al over flying on the sabbath or by Israeli tourists against Turkey following last year's flotilla had not been targeted, he said.

Harel said the new law had to be seen within a wider context: "Basically, Israel is still a lively democracy. But this is part of a campaign to win the political struggle not through free elections and political discourse but through silencing certain sections of society."

Several civil rights groups have launched a challenge to the new law in Israel's supreme court and high court of justice.

Another bill is to be brought before the Knesset next week which allows the investigation of the funding of human and civil rights groups in Israel. Many groups say this is unnecessary as their funding is totally transparent and they claim it is part of a wider campaign of harassment and an attempt to restrict their actions.

Two rightwing members of the Knesset announced on Wednesday they would present a further bill allowing the Knesset to veto supreme court appointments. The right has criticised its judges for decisions it considers to be against Israel's interests.

The bill, which is not widely supported, is unlikely to succeed. The speaker of the Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, said: "The threat to the supreme court is a danger to democracy."

Despite being absent for Monday night's vote in favour of the law, Netanyahu told the Knesset: "I don't want anyone to be confused. I approved the law. If I hadn't backed it, it wouldn't have passed. I am against boycotts aimed at the Jewish state."

He denied the new law damaged Israel's image. "What mars its image are the reckless, irresponsible attacks against the legitimate attempt by a democracy on the defensive to draw a line between what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable," he said.

Matthew Gould, the British ambassador to Israel, came under fire for saying in an interview with Israeli newspaper Maariv that the UK was concerned about the law.

"For a foreign diplomat to take such a public stance is highly unusual," a foreign ministry official said. "It is not customary for an ambassador to speak out against a legislative process."

In a separate development, nursery schools in Israel are to be required to raise the Israeli flag and sing the national anthem at least once a week to strengthen children's Zionist values. Kindergartens in Arab areas will be exempt from the requirement, issued by the education ministry.

Irrespective of what your opinions are of the Israeli state, this is interesting on its own to see how difficult it is to reconcile some tenets of democracy in a context where the state feels so threatened that certain freedoms can themselves harm the state. In that sense I can understand why they wouldn't want these boycotts, in a similar way they recognise the impact of the flotilla protest and I imagine are equally concerned by the Palestinians going to the UN in September to claim statehood. Not surprised by nursery development as well; I've never been a fan of children having to recite these things - kids in the US do similar.


More bullshit from Israel. So much for being an advocate of freedoms and all. Equally draconian, just under a false guise.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
It seems like every day Israel becomes a more fascistic, apartheid state.

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Ushojax said:
It seems like every day Israel becomes a more fascistic, apartheid state.

while I understand why you would bring up fascisim, since this law is not in anyway rasict, even if it is not democratic, it doesnt have anything to do with aparthied.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Israel has a hard time trying to survive amongst all these arabian states. People get crazy there.



come ON...


Saw this on my mobile but didn't have time to post so sorry for the slight bump. I want to shed some light on this, as this is a pretty big topic here lately.

First of all, the way a law is passed in Israel is that even after the parliament passes a law, the supreme court can veto it out if it is unconstitutional (and this is, but Netanyahu is pressuring for it so it just *might* pass). This is about a few things that I will comment on in this reply.

Prine said:
It'll be interesting to see how Israelis react to this.
A lot of people are furious at this, as this is a direct limit on free speech. This is a reaction to a letter by preforming artists a few years ago about boycotting theaters outside the green lines.


If you want more info on that, look for "Ariel boycott in Israel" and other variants. Ariel is a settlement on the green line, by the way.

This law is a way to show the right wing people in this country that a move is being done against those artists.

Dude Abides said:
Is anyone in Israel even calling for a boycott of Israel? Peace Now perhaps?
Israeli artists, university teachers and other scholars, a lot of consumers don't buy anything that was made in the settlements. A lot of the press (in blogs, not as news articles) advise people against buying products from the settlements. There is an internal struggle about this in Israel. The boycotts are from internal and external organizations, not just Peace Now.

A lot more laws like that are planned to be passed in the coming months (if people want, I can post those laws when they are presented to the parliament. Some will make for a good laugh). Israel is going to hold elections in a year and a half (unless the government falls) and usually at this time the parties start to show the public their opinion more than is considered necessary. The left and center criticize the government a lot more now and make more headlines, and the right is... well... more stupid than general.
Currently the right wing is divided between the Likud party (with prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu) and Yisrael Beiteinu (With foreign minister Evet (Avigdor) Liberman). These two are fighting for the right wing block as there is a fear that new parties will take votes from both parties. Each is trying to make new, more fascist (and sadly this really is one law that is fascist. And more are coming) laws to appeal to the public.
All of these laws, and some more to come, are just a struggle between two parties that screws everyone over. This law isn't meant to pass as much as it is meant to make headlines showing that the Likud party is the stronger right wing party, so that in February 2013 the right wing voters vote for the Likud party and not Yisrael Beiteinu.
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