And burnt Catholic effigies?
Sadly with things like the "Clean air acts" there aren't many bonfires these days and it's mainly just fireworks let off even at large organized displays. You definitely don't see kids asking for money with their crudely made "Guy" that they will then burn, and nobody has to check the bonfires for hibernating hedgehogs before setting them on fire. It's seems even worse throughout the Commonwealth where firework bans have stopped all aspects of it.

Guy Fawkes Night - Wikipedia
Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Day, Bonfire Night and Fireworks Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in Great Britain, involving bonfires and fireworks displays. Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605 O.S., when Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot, was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords. The Catholic plotters had intended to assassinate Protestant king James I and his parliament. Celebrating that the king had survived, people lit bonfires around London. Months later, the Observance of 5th November Act mandated an annual public day of thanksgiving for the plot's failure.
Sadly with things like the "Clean air acts" there aren't many bonfires these days and it's mainly just fireworks let off even at large organized displays. You definitely don't see kids asking for money with their crudely made "Guy" that they will then burn, and nobody has to check the bonfires for hibernating hedgehogs before setting them on fire. It's seems even worse throughout the Commonwealth where firework bans have stopped all aspects of it.