I didn't bring my camera, but I brought both hands, which I used to play two solid hours of Fable, starting from the very beginning. I'm not sure if I've just been under a very large, mossy rock for months and months, or that I don't take very seriously the writings of my esteemed colleague Greg Orlando, who personally visited Big Blue Box in the U.K. to pen his spooge-fest for Xbox Nation's June cover story, because I've discovered today that Fable is a fucking fantastic action RPG. I can't say too much here, since I'll be detailing my revelations in the upcoming September issue of XBN. But I will say this: Fable may not have the best graphical tech out there, but the game is gorgeous and full of soul. The game is also undeniably British, in all the best possible ways: funny, smart, adult, and masterfully written. What impressed me most was how Fable handles the choices you've made (even as a child), and how the world reacts to you as a consequence. Mark my words -- Fable will get 8's and 9's across the board. Blarrggh! Such a good game. They literally had to pry me away to go interview the Forza Motorsport team...