UPDATE: Here is a list of games that people think are better than Super Mario 64
*** An X in front of the title means that its nomination has been disputed at least once.
Nominations that are not disputed are accepted, by the community as a whole, to be better than Super Mario 64.
X 999
X Advance Wars
X Banjo Kazooie
X Bayonetta
Bayonetta 2
Bubble Bobble
X Catherine
Chrono Trigger
Civilization IV
X Conker's Bad Fur Day
X Crash Bandicoot
X Crash Bandicoot 2
X Crash Bandicoot 3
X Crypt of the Necrodancer
X Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Devil May Cry
X Devil May Cry 3
X Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Dune 2
Dynasty Warriors 8
X Enter the Gungeon
Gex Enter the Gecko
X God of War
X God of War 2
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
X Guild Wars 2
X Halo: Combat Evolved
X Jak and Daxter
Jet Set Radio
X Jet Set Radio Future
X Klonoa
X Knack
La Mulana
The Last of Us
X The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
X Little Big Planet
X Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid
X Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Metroid Prime
Monkey Island 2
Ninja Spirit
X Paper Mario: TTYD
X Persona 4 Golden
Portal 2
Quake 3 Arena
Rayman 2
Red Dead Redemption
X Resident Evil 4
Robotron 2084
Rocket League
Shadow of the Colossus
X Smash Bros 4 Wii U
X Spyro
X Spyro 3
X Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 2
X Sonic Adventure
X Starbound
X Star Fox 64
X Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
X Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2
X Streets of Rage 2
X Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
X Super Mario Galaxy
X Super Mario Galaxy 2
X Super Mario Sunshine
X Super Mario Land
X Super Mario Land 2
X Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
Super Mario RPG
X Super Mario World
Super Mario World: Yoshi's Island
X Super Meat Boy
Super Metroid
X Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros.
Super Street Fighter 2
X Tetris
X To the Moon
X Transformers: Devastation
Turok 2
X Ultra Street Fighter IV
Uncharted 2
X Undertale
Unreal Tournament '99
X The Wonderful 101
Wonderboy 3
X World of Warcraft
X Xenoblade Chronicles
(Original Post)
Super Mario 64 is a legendary game, no doubt. It singlehandedly sold the N64 and quickly launched Nintendo ahead of the competition almost inarguably, until perhaps Final Fantasy VII shook things up again.
Now, as utterly mind blowing the revelation of analog Mario movement in three dimensions was to my generation of gamers' little brains, the castle exploration, the 120 stars, the "Hoo! Hah! Yippee!" (that's how it went, wasn't it?)... within the 20 years since its release, surely there are hoards of games that are objectively better at this point, right? Nintendo probably made them!
But, can a given game be nominated, and considered objectively better, overall, without any disagreement?
Can we do it?
Will this contest be over swiftly or will we bicker ad infinitum with new nominations?
Also, the nomination must be stated as follows:
When making the nomination, you should really feel in your bones, that said game is better than Super Mario 64.
If there are any disagreements, quote the nomination, disagree and make your case.
Perhaps it could be in the following format:
If your nomination was raised with an objection, you may quote the objection, and elaborate WHY [X] is better than Super Mario 64. If your elaboration is then rejected, the nomination is dismissed for collective agreement... Although perhaps later in the thread, relatively successful nominations could be discussed further for other victories, such as 'Can 75 percent of us agree that [X] is better than Super Mario 64'. But for now, make your objectively better nominations!
I'll throw one out to get started.
Come at me!
*** An X in front of the title means that its nomination has been disputed at least once.
Nominations that are not disputed are accepted, by the community as a whole, to be better than Super Mario 64.
- 1) You may not nominate, or discount a game, unless you've genuinely played it.
- 2) You may not discount/dispute a game being better than Super Mario 64 if you believe Super Mario 64 is the best game ever (but you should admit this and show us your opinion if you do believe Super Mario 64 to be better than all games). Also, you should not make a dispute, unless you make, or support, a nomination.
- 3) We should reasonably be able to agree on a single game being better than Mario 64, 20 years later. Try not to just be a naysayer without adding to the discussion. Imagine that this needs to be done in order to prevent a worldwide disaster. If we can not come to a consensus, the Earth will be destroyed, Donald Trump actually will enter office, or insert your own disaster to make us more reasonable when working toward and agreement, if possible.
X 999
X Advance Wars
X Banjo Kazooie
X Bayonetta
Bayonetta 2
Bubble Bobble
X Catherine
Chrono Trigger
Civilization IV
X Conker's Bad Fur Day
X Crash Bandicoot
X Crash Bandicoot 2
X Crash Bandicoot 3
X Crypt of the Necrodancer
X Dark Souls
Deus Ex
Devil May Cry
X Devil May Cry 3
X Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Dune 2
Dynasty Warriors 8
X Enter the Gungeon
Gex Enter the Gecko
X God of War
X God of War 2
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
X Guild Wars 2
X Halo: Combat Evolved
X Jak and Daxter
Jet Set Radio
X Jet Set Radio Future
X Klonoa
X Knack
La Mulana
The Last of Us
X The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
X Little Big Planet
X Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid
X Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Metroid Prime
Monkey Island 2
Ninja Spirit
X Paper Mario: TTYD
X Persona 4 Golden
Portal 2
Quake 3 Arena
Rayman 2
Red Dead Redemption
X Resident Evil 4
Robotron 2084
Rocket League
Shadow of the Colossus
X Smash Bros 4 Wii U
X Spyro
X Spyro 3
X Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 2
X Sonic Adventure
X Starbound
X Star Fox 64
X Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
X Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2
X Streets of Rage 2
X Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
X Super Mario Galaxy
X Super Mario Galaxy 2
X Super Mario Sunshine
X Super Mario Land
X Super Mario Land 2
X Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
Super Mario RPG
X Super Mario World
Super Mario World: Yoshi's Island
X Super Meat Boy
Super Metroid
X Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros.
Super Street Fighter 2
X Tetris
X To the Moon
X Transformers: Devastation
Turok 2
X Ultra Street Fighter IV
Uncharted 2
X Undertale
Unreal Tournament '99
X The Wonderful 101
Wonderboy 3
X World of Warcraft
X Xenoblade Chronicles
(Original Post)
Super Mario 64 is a legendary game, no doubt. It singlehandedly sold the N64 and quickly launched Nintendo ahead of the competition almost inarguably, until perhaps Final Fantasy VII shook things up again.
Now, as utterly mind blowing the revelation of analog Mario movement in three dimensions was to my generation of gamers' little brains, the castle exploration, the 120 stars, the "Hoo! Hah! Yippee!" (that's how it went, wasn't it?)... within the 20 years since its release, surely there are hoards of games that are objectively better at this point, right? Nintendo probably made them!
But, can a given game be nominated, and considered objectively better, overall, without any disagreement?
Can we do it?
Will this contest be over swiftly or will we bicker ad infinitum with new nominations?
Also, the nomination must be stated as follows:
[X] is a better game than Super Mario 64.
When making the nomination, you should really feel in your bones, that said game is better than Super Mario 64.
If there are any disagreements, quote the nomination, disagree and make your case.
Perhaps it could be in the following format:
[X] is a better game than Super Mario 64.
[X] is NOT a better game than Super Mario 64, because ...
If your nomination was raised with an objection, you may quote the objection, and elaborate WHY [X] is better than Super Mario 64. If your elaboration is then rejected, the nomination is dismissed for collective agreement... Although perhaps later in the thread, relatively successful nominations could be discussed further for other victories, such as 'Can 75 percent of us agree that [X] is better than Super Mario 64'. But for now, make your objectively better nominations!
I'll throw one out to get started.
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence is a better game than Super Mario 64.
Come at me!