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iZombie - S1 OT of Kicking Ass and Taking Brains - from the creator of Veronica Mars

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Blink and you'll miss it:

the street sign

It was funny having Arthur (i'm going to keep calling him that) say "I look bad with blonde hair", like we don't remember:

Did I smell an overarching plot? A shady business experimenting on turning people into zombies? And a zombie as head of homicide too, I thought his reaction to seeing Liv was weird.

The banter between Liv and Ravi was so, so good. They have great on-screen chemistry.
Major was pretty cool in this episode.

What was the significance of the missing shower curtain when that woman escaped?

Anyway, 5 episodes in and the show is still as strong as the opening was, I'm really enjoying it and can't find a single fault in it.


"don't you think it's weird that Facebook knows you were thinking about buying boots and reducing belly fat"


eta: that was probably my favourite episode to date

I love Ravi and Liv's friendship so much.


HA I knew there was something up with the police chief.

Major being in the body bag didn't even cross my mind. You guys really thought they would kill him off so fast?

El Topo

The main actress is really great and there's some charming moments, but that's just not enough for me to keep watching this, given it's only available via VoD over here. Then again, I'm weak and the show is enjoyable.
Not too bad for a procedural though.


My theories based on the latest episode?

They quoted a rare percentage of people who drink Max Rager have a reaction... I can't remember the exact words on this, but this fact/wording seems extremely important. It's the whole reason that Holly was killed.

I think it's half the recipe for becoming a Zombie. In the pilot we're lead to believe people who partook in taking Utopium became Zombies on the boat party. In the asian gang episode, they talked about bringing Utopium into the US so it's common enough that not everyone who takes it becomes one... so I think that if you wash down Utopium with Max Rager, THAT's the secret - the combination that Lowell took that turned him into a Zombie (and the reason the company destroyed the cam footage because they are aware of this).

So there's two ways to become one - Utopium PLUS Max Rager _OR_ blood transmission via bite/scratch/whatever which is how Liv and Jackie were turned.

I also think Eliza (Max Rager Marketing Exec who put the GHB in Holly's drink) didn't run - she was probably in the shower and drugged/kidnapped by other Max Rager goons (hence the lack of shower curtain but still wet and still food in the oven) so the cops couldn't get to her/question her and they took everything to make it look like she ran.

Anyone else agree or disagree? :)


I spent the whole episode thinking "Who the hell is that guy?", IMDB'd it and was like "Of course."

I watched the entire run of Merlin so I should have recognized him.

Merlin was the only thing I've seen him in, and I've seen the whole run too!

Best part of the episode, by far. Liv's entire sandwich story, and Ravi's only response is to roll his eyes and sarcastically say, "#YOLO." Hilarious.

That was great! Honestly, their chemistry is one of the best things about the show - I could listen to their bantering all day.

My theories based on the latest episode?

They quoted a rare percentage of people who drink Max Rager have a reaction... I can't remember the exact words on this, but this fact/wording seems extremely important. It's the whole reason that Holly was killed.

I think it's half the recipe for becoming a Zombie. In the pilot we're lead to believe people who partook in taking Utopium became Zombies on the boat party. In the asian gang episode, they talked about bringing Utopium into the US so it's common enough that not everyone who takes it becomes one... so I think that if you wash down Utopium with Max Rager, THAT's the secret - the combination that Lowell took that turned him into a Zombie (and the reason the company destroyed the cam footage because they are aware of this).

So there's two ways to become one - Utopium PLUS Max Rager _OR_ blood transmission via bite/scratch/whatever which is how Liv and Jackie were turned.

I also think Eliza (Max Rager Marketing Exec who put the GHB in Holly's drink) didn't run - she was probably in the shower and drugged/kidnapped by other Max Rager goons (hence the lack of shower curtain but still wet and still food in the oven) so the cops couldn't get to her/question her and they took everything to make it look like she ran.

Anyone else agree or disagree? :)

I think they are implying that
Lowell was turned due to Max Rager. Although I do want to confirm if that if it was the case. Ravi did raise a point about where Lowell gets his food source - Blaine, maybe?

In regards to the LT,
I didn't catch the first time around, but his "How long have you been here?" reaction to Liv's presence is pretty much confirming that he knows that there's a zombie in the precinct right? And it makes sense - Blaine would need an inside man to prevent people from looking to the missing people, and that was doing to Clive.


That was a fun episode, digging the new zombies. Great to see the show hitting it off and finding an audience.

We don't need spoiler tags for speculation.
I think it's significant that so far we've only heard about Blaine turning people into zombies, and it's always offscreen. I think there's more to it than just scratching.


Some of you guys are connecting the dots a lot better than I was. I wondered if this show would venture into the mystical like the original comics but instead they are going for hokey grounded realism. It's refreshing that the cause isn't a disease or bio weapon.

I'm still reeling from the morbid jokes they started off with. Liv and Ravi must've felt like dicks when they realized their punchline had a name one of them knew.

LOL at Sergent of homicide telling Babino he doesn't care if his mom has an axe in her head. If she isn't on the list in red she doesn't matter.
Fantastic episode. Transfixing from start to finish. Liv is as alluring and adorable as ever. I was sceptical and unsure on this at first but I think five episodes in and I've fallen in love with it now. It's just so super enjoyable and entertaining in the most ultimate guilty pleasure kind of way. I think I'm hooked. They renew this and I'm going to be there for season 2 in a heartbeat.

You guys are also on point. This episode seemed to introduce a greater overriding arc that has expanded and amplified the show for the better. Excited for next week now.


Keep being surprised at how much more i'm enjoying this with each new episode.

Banters are top quality as always, Liz and all of the supporting are great as usual.

I guess that Lowell, being a wealthy musician, buys his food from Blake?
Show finally seemed to find its own voice in episodes four and five. Good thing too, since the first three were post modernist in the worst way.


Unconfirmed Member
I love Liv and Ravi's friendship.

Good to see Dick make an appearance.

And thank god, Liv's hair has gotten better.

I'm curious to see where they are going with this. Blaine is building a Zombie empire. And now we have the new guy and the police captain. Liked how earlier in the episode he said that he had a new diet. It all made sense once you saw him clipping his nails at the end.

Count me as one of those who thought Major was in the bag.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I've done a 180 on this show, I was down on the pilot, but catching up and really enjoying it. So I'm on the 5th episode and when Clive is asking for the whereabouts of Jerome they just slipped in a reference to Party Down(another show Rob Thomas worked on.) "Are we having fun yet?" Got a little kick out of me.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I love how they snuck that Party Down line in there. I started laughing hysterically and my girlfriend wondered why I thought it was sooooo funny. She's seen Veronica Mars, but none of Party Down.

And I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought Major was in the bodybag. Something about the way the scene went, it just felt like someone of importance was going to be in there. I figured Liv would have to turn him into a zombie or something at that point.

The episode ended sorta strangely. Something about it felt incomplete. Like there was a missing 5 minutes or something.


New episode today:
Season 1: episode 6 "Virtual Reality Bites"

Liv, Clive and Ravi work together to investigate the murder of a computer-hacker. Liv inherits intense agoraphobia after consuming his brains along with mad skills at computer gaming. This delights Ravi, who urges her to play and offers to help her from inside the game, as they continue to search for the killer.
Mad skills, bro.


Ooh, this one has the potential to be super cringey. I'd be amazed if they manage to pull it off.

Video game culture and tv often do not mix well at all.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Ooh, this one has the potential to be super cringey. I'd be amazed if they manage to pull it off.

Video game culture and tv often do not mix well at all.
Yeah it doesn't sound too promising, especially the solving the case
from inside the game.


Ooh, this one has the potential to be super cringey. I'd be amazed if they manage to pull it off.

Video game culture and tv often do not mix well at all.

The one thing I will hope for is that Ravi is actually a huge gamer in real-life and may try to do it justice


The one thing I will hope for is that Ravi is actually a huge gamer in real-life and may try to do it justice
Yeah that's what I was thinking too, the actor is a gamer in real life, judging from his twitter and if they were smart they would have consulted him when writing the episode, it might have been his idea to put in the line about Diablo 3.

At least it's going to be a very Ravi-centric episode which is no doubt going to be fun.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I expect to cringe at least once. I thought the quick Diablo 3 lines were actually good for a TV show portraying video games, but I pretty much had to cover my eyes during the last act of the Asian gang episode. The "I know kung fu" line haha, that was cringe city.
The last few episodes have been really good. Major on the skate ramp made me laugh. I'm definitely in this for the long haul.

Fun episode and so much great banter. Those two Zombie bodybuilders were great, shame they got taken out so fast "Don't startle them. They're thinking"

Zombie meatheads were amazing. :(


Last episode was really entertaining, but yeah it felt like it need an extra 5 minutes at the end. I'm guessing this season is building up to Major getting kidnapped by Blaine which forces Liv to save him, revealing her zombieness in the process???


The wereterrier mention was really funny. I also loved Liv trying to talk to Clive via Skype even when he kept walking out of the room. Good stuff.


Rose McIver is watching the show with the cast (Except Ravi, he had to go do an interview) and oh look, SAORISE RONAN




Good episode. Nice to see Liv knows what Blaine's been up to now, instead of dragging it out for the season. Should be interesting to see how she deals with that revelation. Blaine's going to accidentally end up hiring Liv's brother isn't he.
Zombie Arthur continues to be charming as ever. Enjoying the growing romance between him and Liv quite a bit so far. The video game segments weren't too bad especially compared to some other shows.

holy shit at the Major fakeout. LOL
Great way to start the episode ha.


They actually pulled it off, kudos to them. It was only slightly cringey, and Liv totally sold it as usual. Both in her attitudes towards gaming beforehand and then when she was actually playing.

Gosh, the victim really deserved it this week, and the zombie drama is getting interesting.

Major is really growing on me as well.

I doubt the secrets are going to remain hidden for much longer now that Clive is connected to both Blaine and the head of the police force, Major is gunning for Blaine, Liv and Ravi know about Blaine's dealings and (in what I felt was rather unbelievably coincidental) Liv's brother is gonna get involved too.

I get the feeling that Lowell is lying about something. Or is going to be a perfectly nice guy who gets killed trying to protect Liv from Blaine. Seems a bit too good to be true.
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