Merlin probably knocked him out and deflected the bullet
Umm...He got shot in the face. I think he's dead.
Umm...we just saw the zombie henchmen get shot in the head and live. I'm sure there's a chance he could be alive.
Maybe the scene was to fast for me to catch it it looked like it but he did say the chest. Well either way liv should of shot lol.Was he shot in the head?
Umm...we just saw the zombie henchmen get shot in the head and live. I'm sure there's a chance he could be alive.
I watched the first 2 episodes and while I kind of enjoyed it (Liv especially) it was also kind of boring at times, especially in episode 2, does it get better?
Merlin probably knocked him out and deflected the bullet
Pretty great episode. Kind of regret watching it blazed (had a few beers) because it was probably the most important episode yet in terms of plot progression. Regarding Liv's zombie boyfriend getting shot this show has a habit of doing something shocking at the end of an episode and then reversing it in the next one. See Ravi's zombie bite that turned out to be a false alarm when all logic pointed to him turning. I don't see them killing off Liv's major love interest just yet. He strikes me as a core character. I could be wrong of course but so far all the zombies in iZombie have been pretty much invincible. Practically immortal even. I can see him being alive in the next episode. Curious as to how the writers are going to handle it.
This is such a great show. If anyone's reading this and on the fence: watch it. It's beyond fantastic. Such a pleasant diversion.
I don't see them killing off Liv's major love interest just yet. He strikes me as a core character.
Major love interest? Temporary setback for the real couple.
He's the lead on the new Omen series, unlikely he will be around.
What the fuck, is Lowell for sure dead?
Im surprised they killed Lowell off
Though not as surprised as Wallace being the murderer
Goddamnit Wallace
More Veronica Mars people
And another step close to liv VM pairing
Haha its great to see other Veronica Mars fans =)Great episode.
I can't believe Wallace was the killer. Veronica would be so disappointed in him.
Did anyone else catch Lowell's lie to Liv in this episode?
I was convinced that he was turned by mixing Max Rager + Utopium while on their payroll and that's why they deleted the footage of him in Zombie mode in the episode he was introduced.
Liv asked and he told her in the next about getting drunk at... Vegas? bachelor party and waking up with a scratch on his leg and no idea how he got it.
In this episode he said something along the lines of "when Blaine turned me... I think he wants to jam with me... " knowing full well Blaine intentionally did it.
Except on the boat where neatly everyone turned from what I remember.Lowell
And who knew that Blaine was such a Nirvana fanboy.
I'm assuming he lied about how he was turned because Blaine was blackmailing him. Once Liv knew where/how he got his brains, he came clean. Him saying that "he wants to jam with me" was his reasoning for WHY Blaine chose to turn him (or at least one of them). From what has been shown, Blaine has been very specific as to who he has turned.
Except on the boat where neatly everyone turned from what I remember.
How many more weeks do we have left of this show until the finale?
I thought it was only Blaine, Liv and that one girl. I don't think they've found anyone else from the boat.
I think they're gonna let him in on it by the end of the episode.They're letting Major think he's crazy? Poor form.