You poor, poor, fools. You still believe that MS has illimitable billions to pour into another profitless console venture? This is not an acceptable loss to stockholders with the potential of a long-term return, ala MSN. (which has recently come into profitability) When this begins to eat into overall profits, the stockholders will demand a pull-out. (as some already have since MS has far exceeded their initial projected losses regarding the X-Box's lifespan) Btw, MSN will not "monopolize" IPs either. I no longer have the articles saved stating quaterly & annual losses, associated layoffs, etc. but the construction of Xenon itself basically should give you some idea. Their choice of business partnerships, contract structurings, etc. are basically geared towards profitability & basically mirroring Nintendo's business acumen now. (as well as partnerships) MS also faces competition from other technology sectors as well, Linux anyone? Point being that Xenon isn't their main priority by far. When you no longer have the technological or graphical advantages, (when any & everyone can pull off a Halo 3 or better from a tech. standpoint) you begin to focus on & preach about the importance of software.
When in truth this was always what mattered most. (As proven by the PS2's continued commercial sales success) A standardized console will never happen, esp. if a perceptional visual threshold has been met. Then it becomes all about intellectual properties, software quality & innovation, 3rd party exclusives, etc. I hope MS stays in the game, the competition is always beneficial to the industry & gamer. I laugh at them even envisioning themselves in that monopolistic position, how many millions were supposed to be subscribed to XBL again by this point? Well, it's good to have long-term goals if unrealistic anyway. If anything, it wouldn't be so laughable coming from Kutarugi. But this even won't be feasible for a few generations at the very least.