Rodent Whores

A team of Japanese and American researchers was awarded the satirical Ig Nobel Prize in physiology on Sept. 12 for discovering that mammals can breathe through their anuses.
This marks the 18th consecutive year that a Japanese researcher has been honored with the Ig Nobel Prize, which recognizes “research that makes people laugh and then think.”
The prize is awarded by the scientific humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research.
More like Anals of Improbably Research, amirite?
In an experiment, the team injected oxygen through the anuses of mice in low-oxygen conditions.
As a result, the mice showed some recovery from respiratory failure and a significant increase in survival rate, proving that mammals can absorb oxygen through their intestines.

The team also developed a method for potential use in humans by injecting oxygen or oxygen-rich liquid into the rectum through the anus. They named the technique “enteral ventilation via anus (EVA).”