"God's Beard!"

- Platform: Playstation 3
- Release date: 29 August 2013
- Genre: Fighting game/Runway Model Simulator
- Fashion Design: Hirohiko Araki
- Availability: Japanese or Asian versions can be bought from Play-asia.com or Amiami.
Official Website: http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/list/asb/top.html

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle is a Fighting game developed by CC2 based on the popular JoJo’s
Bizarre Adventure manga series. The game features many of the prominent characters from the series,
while the gameplay is simple enough for casuals to pick up. The game also features a character and
POSE customization mode, a gallery mode, jukebox mode to listen to the game’s music, practice and
online mode.
First print editions of the game will also come with a code to unlock Yoshikage Kira (EX-Kira) whose
movelist differs from his main roster counterpart.

There is also a Special Edition which comes with a gold plate etching of Giorno Giovanna, Jotaro and Star
Platinum figure, and the game’s soundtrack.

The game features a total of 34 characters, those with a Stand have its name listed next to them. Click on the links for additional insight into the characters.
Part 1 - Phantom Blood:
Jonathan Joestar, Will A. Zeppeli, Dio Brando (aka Vampire Dio)
Part 2 - Battle Tendency:
Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Wham, ACDC, Cars
Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders:
Kujo Jotaro [Star Platinum], Noriaki Kakyoin [Hierophant Green], Jean Pierre Polnareff
[Silver Chariot], Moh’d Abdul [Magican’s Red], Hol Horse [Emperor], Dio Brando [The World]
Part 4 - Diamond is Unbreakable:
Higashikata Josuke [Crazy Diamond], Nijimura Okuyasu [The Hand], Hirose Koichi [Echoes],
Kishibe Rohan [Heaven’s Door], Otoishi Akira [Red Hot Chili Pepper], Kira [Killer Queen]
Part 5 - Vento Aureo:
Giorno Giovanna [Gold Experience (Requiem)], Bruno Buccellati [Sticky Fingers], Guido
Mista [Sex Pistols], Narancia Ghirga [Aerosmith], Diavolo [King Crimson]
Part 6 - Stone Ocean:
http://abload.de/img/jojo___1_by_immuzesrphb.jpgJolyne Kujo [Stone Free], Hermes Costello [KISS], Enrico Pucci [Whitesnake, C-Moon,
Made in Heaven]
Part 7 - Steel Ball Run:
Johnny Joestar [Tusk], Gyro Zeppeli [Ball Breaker], Funny Valentine [Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap]
Part 8 - Jojolion:
Josuke Higashikata [Soft & Wet]

Button scheme: The game has 4 attack buttons: Light Attack (A), Medium Attack (B), Hard Attack
(C) and Style or ‘Special’ (S). Chain combos are possible in the game ala UMvC3 and Persona 4 Arena,
and can be canceled into specials or supers.
Pressing the S button will activate an ability depending on a character’s play style:
For Stand users, it allows them to summon their Stand.
For Ripple users, holding the button will charge their meter.
For Pillar Men, it will activate their Mode.
For Johnny and Gyro, pressing the button will allow them to fight while riding their horses.
Rapdily pressing the A button will perform an auto-combo similar to how Persona 4 Arena does it, and if
there is enough meter, will end with a super move.
Pressing Select will perform a Taunt or Pose, a character can perform a different taunt if the opponent is
knocked down as well.
- Guard Gauge: Depletes as you block attacks. When a Guard Gauge empties, your character will be
- stunned for a short period of time leaving them open for a free attack from the opponent.
- Stage Hazards/Gimmicks: Each stage has a hazard that can be used to damage an opponent, and
- their location is marked or highlighted when playing in that stage.
- Special Finishers: Defeating enemies with certain attacks can trigger a short cutscene, such as being
- knocked out of Dio’s castle, or getting slammed to a water tanker in the Egypt stage.
- Rush mode: A clash system similar to what is in the Capcom JoJo fighter, if both character’s rapid
- punching attacks clash with one another, they enter Rush mode. When this occurs, players would mash
- the Light button rapidly and the player who presses the buttons fastest wins the clash.
- Fabulous Dodge: The game features a ‘Just Defend’ mechanic, where if you block just as an attack is
- about to touch your character, they will pose fabulously and be invincible for the duration of the pose.
- The only downside to using this technique is that it consumes a small amount of the super/Heart meter.
- Puttstun Cancel: The game’s Roman Cancel/FADC mechanic (Puttsun is a sound effect used to
- express one’s nerves snapping). They can only be performed if your attack hits or is blocked, and cost 1
- stock of meter.
- Super moves/Heat Attacks: Each character has at least 2 Heat Attacks, one that costs 1 stock of
- meter, and a stronger Attack that costs 2 stocks. A Lvl. 1 Heat Attack is performed with *+2 Attack
- buttons, whereas Lvl. 2 is performed with *+3 Attack buttons.
- Desperation status: When your character’s health drops to 25% and their life bar starts flashing,
- they will gain an increase in attack power and gain more meter from their attacks.

Watch the opening of the game!
JoJo ASB PV2 Subbed
JoJo ASB PV3 Subbed
JoJo ASB PV4 Subbed
JoJo ASB PV5 Subbed
Jotaro vs D'Arby

Special thanks to Tizoc for help with information gathering and organization!