From IGN_er_ludere from the IGN GCNGB. Someone please translate or correct, this pains me to even post the list this way, I was able to make 2 corrections only.
1 GC Paper MARIO RPG RPL Nintendo 2004/07/22
2 PS2 On-the-spot powerful professional baseball 11 SPR KONAMI 2004/07/15
3 PS2 Tenchu Kurenai From Software 2004/07/22
4 GBA It carries out by receiving NARUTO-NARUTO-NARUTO RPG and ranking next, and is the will of fire. RPL Tommy 2004/07/22
5 GBA Dragon ball Z THE LEGACY OF GOKU II INTERNATIONAL RPL Van presto 2004/07/23
6 GBA Boktai 2 KONAMI 2004/07/22
7 GBA é¬éè¡å¸« of steel å¥?é³´æ² of recollections RPL BANDAI 2004/07/22
8 PS2 Battle PACHISURO sure-fire method for winning! Hokuto's fist TAB Sammy 2004/05/27
9 GBA ã?·ãã?·ã fever PUZ Sega 2004/07/24
10 GC On-the-spot powerful professional baseball 11 SPR KONAMI 2004/07/15
1 GC Paper MARIO RPG RPL Nintendo 2004/07/22
2 PS2 On-the-spot powerful professional baseball 11 SPR KONAMI 2004/07/15
3 PS2 Tenchu Kurenai From Software 2004/07/22
4 GBA It carries out by receiving NARUTO-NARUTO-NARUTO RPG and ranking next, and is the will of fire. RPL Tommy 2004/07/22
5 GBA Dragon ball Z THE LEGACY OF GOKU II INTERNATIONAL RPL Van presto 2004/07/23
6 GBA Boktai 2 KONAMI 2004/07/22
7 GBA é¬éè¡å¸« of steel å¥?é³´æ² of recollections RPL BANDAI 2004/07/22
8 PS2 Battle PACHISURO sure-fire method for winning! Hokuto's fist TAB Sammy 2004/05/27
9 GBA ã?·ãã?·ã fever PUZ Sega 2004/07/24
10 GC On-the-spot powerful professional baseball 11 SPR KONAMI 2004/07/15