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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.

What else would you have us do? Break down the pros and cons of a Big Show/Cena feud? LOL!

Why not? This is a wrestling thread after all. There is a time and a place for this and seeing the random Kane pics page after page can be a bit overwhelming. We can talk about the upcoming CHIKARA PPV, Orton suspension, Show/Cena feud, Punk/Bryan/Kane feud, etc. It just seems like a lot of the discussion just gets tossed to the side when a real conversation tries to get started.


more money than God
He has to be the dick because they have no genitalia /Punk insult

Edit: and as for the SoulPlaya post above, I mostly agree, okay while yes we maybe pushed the Kane envelope further than needed the point is the current show is absolute tripe, personally I don't think i've ever been bothered by any posts here, maybe I just have hight tolerance levels, anything that makes things fun again (lol CM Punk) is not only welcomed, it's allowed.

As far as the OT goes, in general I feel that we all could do a part to make awesome OT's that summarize the plotlines from the previous month and what to expect from the current month (probably full of biting snark but hey it's more fun that way), we've got a variety of wrestling fans in this thread, maybe we should all chip in to make awesome opening posts that contain info for WWE, TNA and the Independent scene, granted it's a lot of work but i'm up for making things great.
Seriously, man. I don't get it. The product is terrible and has been for a while. Interest in this forum got so low that we went to a monthly thread, instead of a weekly one. This thread has always been random nonsensical postings about weird stuff. It's the only thing that brings people some joy in the product. I certainly wouldn't be watching if it wasn't for WrassleGAF. Like I said, there have always been a few posts in here by the real fans of wrestling, and the rest have been constant jokes, and gifs. That's what this damn thread was founded on and it's what drove it. This thread has always been a fun place. The only even remotely interesting thing going on in WWE right now is the Punk/Bryan/AJ/Kane feud, and that might be coming to a quick end. I don't even understand what the Kane pics have ruined? What? Am I cutting into the Sin Cara and Joker Sting pics (both of which I love)?

Why not? This is a wrestling thread after all. There is a time and a place for this and seeing the random Kane pics page after page can be a bit overwhelming. We can talk about the upcoming CHIKARA PPV, Orton suspension, Show/Cena feud, Punk/Bryan/Kane feud, etc. It just seems like a lot of the discussion just gets tossed to the side when a real conversation tries to get started.
Because no one wants to talk about the pros and cons of a Big Show/Cena feud. At the very least, let's not make it sound like it's the Kane & AJ Kliq's fault no one is talking about that. People just don't want to. The Orton suspension was discussed (what else can we say besides what we've already discussed about it?), the Punk/Bryan/Kane/AJ feud is constantly discussed, and I wish more people were into indie wrestling, but that's been a very niche part of this thread for years.

This is what this thread is, a fun place to post nonsense. The WWE product is the worst it's ever been, let people have some fun.
*waves goodbye to Daniel Bryan title run*

Belt will be on Cena by Summerslam.

Doesn't really matter. Cena is the main event anyway. Might as well give him the belt. It's not like it's a prestigious thing to have or adds anything to the person holding it unless the one holding it is Cena. Maybe they'll rush Lesnar/Brock for MITB now.


No One Remembers
In regards to the direction of this thread:

I'm fine with the occasional spattering of junk... I laughed pretty heartily when SoulPlaya and whoever were posting pics of Kane and someone doing moves on each other. But when it's every other post constantly, everyday... it gets tiring.

Even though I don't watch CHIKARA or anything else that's not WWE I'm glad that we have those kinds of posts here.


more money than God
In regards to the direction of this thread:

I'm fine with the occasional spattering of junk... I laughed pretty heartily when SoulPlaya and whoever were posting pics of Kane and someone doing moves on each other. But when it's every other post constantly, everyday... it gets tiring.

Even though I don't watch CHIKARA or anything else that's not WWE I'm glad that we have those kinds of posts here.
It's not even that many posts. If you'd notice, I have actually made an effort to mainly just post the Kane pics during midnight (and I'll continue to do so). The interest in the product just isn't there. What can you do?

BTW, I honestly think if everyone of my posts were gifs, Sin Cara pics, Divas pics, it wouldn't be as much of a problem. I think people are just surprised at the interest in Kane, lol.


Del Rio has potential to be a good wrestler, but he has to do the "play it safe" style of the WWE. He just needs to work more on his mic skills or atleast nudge him with some different angles to go on when he talks.
"His" problem is a lack of a strong character. Character development has been a major issue for the WWE and its stars for years. The last more-well known character that's taken shape was Cody Rhodes' Dashing gimmick. I honestly can't think of many others, it's pathetic.

His wrestling actually might be better suited on Superstars, because they seemingly get better matches and proper length as compared to a run of the mill Raw match.
The Impact fans must hate Jeff Hardy if they're sticking him in a match or potential feud with Devon......and they certainly must hate him if they want him to have the black hole that is the television title.

Maybe they are trying to add prestige to the tv title? It's clear it has become the secondary title over the X division title now. Plus it gets defended every week so people will get to see Jeff Hardy wrestle every week if he wins.


Maybe they are trying to add prestige to the tv title? It's clear it has become the secondary title over the X division title now. Plus it gets defended every week so people will get to see Jeff Hardy wrestle every week if he wins.

If they like seeing their favorite wrestler in pointless lower - midcard matches every week and on PPV, they must be Dolph Ziggler fans.
Entropia said:
In regards to the direction of this thread:

I'm fine with the occasional spattering of junk... I laughed pretty heartily when SoulPlaya and whoever were posting pics of Kane and someone doing moves on each other. But when it's every other post constantly, everyday... it gets tiring.

I think the problem is that a lot of the discussion in here is cyclical, and many people have lost the desire to talk about WWE's latest knee-jerk reaction to poor ratings, or why this particular Cena feud is so awful, etc, when we'll most likely be talking about the exact same sort of thing this time next year. We all know why the product is awful, and the reality that the fanbase we largely represent are not the same people watching the show, making what we want the product to be almost entirely irrelevant, so the solution is clear; derive what enjoyment you can from WWE's downward spiral, look for your Sports Entertainment fix elsewhere, or just stop watching. I don't see a problem with the Kane pictures and all the other nonsense that goes on in here, it's just an indication of how awful the product is when that stuff starts to flood the thread. If people don't like it, they should start a discussion, or share some old matches from youtube and reminisce about when wrestling was good.

Striker said:
"His" problem is a lack of a strong character. Character development has been a major issue for the WWE and its stars for years. The last more-well known character that's taken shape was Cody Rhodes' Dashing gimmick. I honestly can't think of many others, it's pathetic.

This. I mean, what do their writers even do? What do all those lengthy backstage segments even achieve, when you've got a guy who should be a main eventer and no-one cares in the slightest? The Del Rio character is fine, but there's zero progression - he's rich, he likes cars, he has a ring announcer, it is his destiny to be champion. We knew these things about Del Rio within minutes of his debut, and nothing's been done since to progress his character in any meaningful way. And it's not even difficult. Give him a feud. Give him some simple, explainable motivation. Let him cut promos on his own, or write promos for him, that show more intensity, more of the sneering, vicious bastard heel WWE have only seen fit to show glimpses of in the past, and then maybe someone might give a rat's ass.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Ummm TNA tonight...in here or May?

edit: haaaaaaaaaaaaay the title is dedicated to me

If they like seeing their favorite wrestler in pointless lower - midcard matches every week and on PPV, they must be Dolph Ziggler fans.

It won't keep him from having feuds. It's just had a rough stretch as it was held by Robbie E and then Devon. What can you really do with those guys? If Jeff Hardy holds it it will become more important. Plus like I said it gets their #1 draw on tv every week.
It's not even that many posts. If you'd notice, I have actually made an effort to mainly just post the Kane pics during midnight (and I'll continue to do so). The interest in the product just isn't there. What can you do?

I say we cool it on the Kane pics (the sound of much rejoicing from many i'm sure, the void will no doubt be filled with posts of boderline NSFW diva pics).
You see here's the thing, you have to remember about how this Kane thing got started, it's because a large portion of Wrasslegaf took groaning to the next level because apparently having Kane wrestle in one main event non title feud in the year 2012 was too much to take, our fandom was tested but we stood our ground (which is more than I can say for the Punk and Ryder fanbases) and then things sort of spiralled out from there. Maybe family pics of Daniel Bryan would get mass approval, who knows. Point is most don't like the man to begin with.
you sick people

Back to the current topic, I totally voted for Mr Anderson, screw the haters, I was a Kennedy mark.

And for alternative topic DEL RRRRRIO, he needs a proper feud complete with an interesting story that isn't just destiny/being the number 1 contender, the man has all the tools, a solid gimmick and hasn't quite fallen into being an outright chicken shit heel like the rest but without any strong storyline to make use of his traits he just comes across as some guy who talks about destiny each week and then loses. And another finisher wouldn't go amiss because heels and submissions are like the worst combo to try and win matches with dues to WWE making faces super invincible.
Is Sheamus/Del Rio actually a thing right now? because if it is it sucks badly, how hard is it to book a freaking plot to build around?!


So not worth it
There's alot of panic in the WWE right now about the Raw rating. Internally this was a bigger deal than Orton's suspension.

- WWE officials have been so impressed with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan’s recent series of matches that there are plans to have Daniel Bryan travel with the RAW brand and continue wrestling Punk at live events. There is talk of Bryan and Punk wrestling submission matches.

Must not be that much of a panic then. If the match lost viewers and all.

Can't wait for Bryan to win the title so this feud can go on to Summerslam.


more money than God
I think the problem is that a lot of the discussion in here is cyclical, and many people have lost the desire to talk about WWE's latest knee-jerk reaction to poor ratings, or why this particular Cena feud is so awful, etc, when we'll most likely be talking about the exact same sort of thing this time next year. We all know why the product is awful, and the reality that the fanbase we largely represent are not the same people watching the show, making what we want the product to be almost entirely irrelevant, so the solution is clear; derive what enjoyment you can from WWE's downward spiral, look for your Sports Entertainment fix elsewhere, or just stop watching. I don't see a problem with the Kane pictures and all the other nonsense that goes on in here, it's just an indication of how awful the product is when that stuff starts to flood the thread. If people don't like it, they should start a discussion, or share some old matches from youtube and reminisce about when wrestling was good.
Thank you. I mean, seriously, how bad do you really want to talk about the latest Cena feud? Another suspended wrestler? Face facts, the nonsense posts are the only thing keeping this thread alive. There are a few people in here who actually watch good wrestling (Bootaaay being one of them), the rest of us just watch WWE, and we get what we can out of it.

You want to discuss actual wrestling? Fine, here's a GREAT match. Let's talk about it.


where's the aj

I say we cool it on the Kane pics (the sound of much rejoicing from many i'm sure, the void will no doubt be filled with posts of boderline NSFW diva pics).
You see here's the thing, you have to remember about how this Kane thing got started, it's because a large portion of Wrasslegaf took groaning to the next level because apparently having Kane wrestle in one main event non title feud in the year 2012 was too much to take, our fandom was tested but we stood our ground (which is more than I can say for the Punk and Ryder fanbases) and then things sort of spiralled out from there. Maybe family pics of Daniel Bryan would get mass approval, who knows. Point is most don't like the man to begin with.
you sick people
I think a lot of people are just shocked and pissed that there actually is an interest in this thread about the guy.


where's the aj

Must not be that much of a panic then. If the match lost viewers and all.

The house show thing is old info and it doesn't really matter what they do at house shows anyway as long as Cena is there. The rating just came out yesterday. Like always, plans change.
Thank you. I mean, seriously, how bad do you really want to talk about the latest Cena feud? Another suspended wrestler? Face facts, the nonsense posts are the only thing keeping this thread alive. There are a few people in here who actually watch good wrestling (Bootaaay being one of them), the rest of us just watch WWE, and we get what we can out of it.

You want to discuss actual wrestling? Fine, here's a GREAT match. Let's talk about it.



I think a lot of people are just shocked and pissed that there actually is an interest in this thread about the guy.

I have absolutely no recollection of this match. What was the build? I must have been watching around that time because I remember all the Kane/Lita stuff.
OH oh, NOW the masses come out complaining about Kane. Yeah, NOW when SoulPlaya's train is at top speed. Good job guize. SOOOO glad you people backed me up when I was doing the same thing LAST YEAR.

My track record is proven. If you people just wanna ignore my warnings, it's not my problem anymore.

Hulk SoulPlaya....smash.


So not worth it
Watching that match makes me miss JR even more.

That guy knew how to sell you the worst matches. Cole just talks about twitter while King tries to be funny by being racist and/or sexist in the meantime.
I think a lot of people are just shocked and pissed that there actually is an interest in this thread about the guy.
I really wish there were some Big show marks in this thread, just imagine the reaction.

OH oh, NOW the masses come out complaining about Kane. Yeah, NOW when SoulPlaya's train is at top speed. Good job guize. SOOOO glad you people backed me up when I was doing the same thing LAST YEAR.

My track record is proven. If you people just wanna ignore my warnings, it's not my problem anymore.

Hulk SoulPlaya....smash.

Yeah but you hate the supernatural, no one wants to listen to a man that by extension surely hates The Undertaker.
I wish we had a Wrasslin Thread in June |OT| Thread about the thread, so that we could discuss the current state of the product being put out in this thread and complain about how awful WrassleGAF Creative is.
Yeah but you hate the supernatural, no one wants to listen to a man that by extension surely hates The Undertaker.

Shawn Michaels exposed The Undertaker's crap in the build to WM25, and Taker totes rolled with it. HHH has also done the same thing the last 2 years. No one buys him as supernatural anymore. Undertaker post HBK revalation is just a biker who plays with the lights and can't afford to pay a barber so he cuts his own hair as some sort of harakiri even though he WON the battle the year before because WWE booking.


Shawn Michaels exposed The Undertaker's crap in the build to WM25, and Taker totes rolled with it. HHH has also done the same thing the last 2 years. No one buys him as supernatural anymore. Undertaker post HBK revalation is just a biker who plays with the lights and can't afford to pay a barber so he cuts his own hair as some sort of harakiri even though he WON the battle the year before because WWE booking.

He will have his vengeance.

I wish we had a Wrasslin Thread in June |OT| Thread about the thread, so that we could discuss the current state of the product being put out in this thread and complain about how awful WrassleGAF Creative is.

I've got our first dirt sheet story.
Backstage morale is said to be very bad in Wrasslegaf these days. Some of the wrestlers who Wrasslegaf used at the set of tapings before May Thread who weren't regulars have been telling friends that they couldn't believe how bad morale is in the company.
The general consensus behind the scenes is that many of the \"top names\" in Wrasslegaf from the early 2000's era are simply working for to collect paychecks with little regard for the longterm direction or health of the company.
Many of Wrasslegaf's Junior Members are afraid that they are either entering or in the middle of their athletic primes with no sign of their careers going anywhere. Many Wrasslegaf stars are weighing their options and considering jumping ship when their contracts expire, even those who have been with the company from the beginning.
The majority of Wrasslegaf's Junior Members are completely fed up with Net Wrecker, Bootaay and Soulplaya. The resentment towards Net Wrecker and Bootaaay is that they have all the Spice necessary to bring real change to Wrasslegaf, but haven't seemed to come up with any good ideas on their own. As for Soulplaya, the Junior Members has lost whatever confidence they had.
Most wrestlers on the roster will openly say that Wrasslegaf should have hired BoboBrazil last year when they had the chance, because they wanted to focus the entire promotion on Junior Members.

Man that dirt sheet generator sure is something.

Shawn Michaels exposed The Undertaker's crap in the build to WM25, and Taker totes rolled with it. HHH has also done the same thing the last 2 years. No one buys him as supernatural anymore. Undertaker post HBK revalation is just a biker who plays with the lights and can't afford to pay a barber so he cuts his own hair as some sort of harakiri even though he WON the battle the year before because WWE booking.

But now he's just some kind of wannabe MMA wrassler with his best pure striking skills at like 50 years old.

Dammit whenever I type Wannabe i'm reminded of that awful Y2J shirt.


The general consensus behind the scenes is that many of the \"top names\" in Wrasslegaf from the early 2000's era are simply working for to collect paychecks with little regard for the longterm direction or health of the company.

Undertaker post HBK revalation is just a biker who plays with the lights and can't afford to pay a barber so he cuts his own hair as some sort of harakiri even though he WON the battle the year before because WWE booking.

Just wait for next year's Mania, when HHH goads Undertaker into accepting a rematch after Trips claims he ultimately won because, by evoking sympathy from the Undertaker, who helped carry Hunter to the back after their match last year, he effectively destroyed the Undertaker's ruthless, phenom spirit and Taker is now incapable of defending the streak, or something.


DMczaf holds a meeting with old farts

DMczaf reportedly held a meeting with WrassleGaf talents on Tuesday before the June Thread, where he stressed that the old farts need to step up their games when it comes to telling stories in the ring. Apparently this is a common theme of DMczaf's in meetings. It's said that the old farts on Tuesday weren't very receptive to the speech as they've heard it all before. Guzim asked the old farts if anyone had questions and nobody did. It was noted that The Frankman and sidekick BoboBrazil were the only two people not in attendance for the meeting.

I love the dirtsheet generator.

Dead Man

"His" problem is a lack of a strong character. Character development has been a major issue for the WWE and its stars for years. The last more-well known character that's taken shape was Cody Rhodes' Dashing gimmick. I honestly can't think of many others, it's pathetic.

His wrestling actually might be better suited on Superstars, because they seemingly get better matches and proper length as compared to a run of the mill Raw match.

Yeah, his wrestling seems pretty top notch, they really need a new gimmick for him. But you can't you say that about?


more money than God
OH oh, NOW the masses come out complaining about Kane. Yeah, NOW when SoulPlaya's train is at top speed. Good job guize. SOOOO glad you people backed me up when I was doing the same thing LAST YEAR.

My track record is proven. If you people just wanna ignore my warnings, it's not my problem anymore.

Hulk SoulPlaya....smash.
They won't listen to your babbling, you sexy fool, you.

Bring me BANANAS!!!! And you know how I like em!!!
The majority of Wrasslegaf's Junior Members are completely fed up with Net Wrecker, Bootaay and Soulplaya. The resentment towards Net Wrecker and Bootaaay is that they have all the Spice necessary to bring real change to Wrasslegaf, but haven't seemed to come up with any good ideas on their own. As for Soulplaya, the Junior Members has lost whatever confidence they had.

This is hilarious. You can't hate on all 3 sides of WrassleGAF. You either side with:

Bootaaay The Keeper of Knowledge: He knows all, and as a result, watches all. From the most mainstream to the dankest of torture porn, you must be willing to endure everything if you side with Clan Boots. 5 star clinics and forks attached to staple guns are one and the same.

SoulPlaya The Insane: The fanboy clan. The CrayJ lovers, the Kane stalkers, the CM Punk sellouts, Irish University graduates, Maryse marauders, and D. Brine "yessers." To join this clique, you must take your love of said wrestler to the extreme going so far as to look up family pictures and hide in their bushes. A disturbing bunch.

Net_Wrecker The Drifter: Those who hold no allegiances follow this path. Marking is kept to a minimal, and perspective is of the utmost importance. Watches a little bit of everything, and stays level headed. Uses past occurrences to predict future inevitable failures. Our only masters are the winds of entertainment.

Just wait for next year's Mania, when HHH goads Undertaker into accepting a rematch after Trips claims he ultimately won because, by evoking sympathy from the Undertaker, who helped carry Hunter to the back after their match last year, he effectively destroyed the Undertaker's ruthless, phenom spirit and Taker is now incapable of defending the streak, or something.



Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Guess by putting my name in the title means you're trying to get me to retire from gaf.

I've got news for you


Until I get perm'd I will be the bandwagon riding, jet postin, gif stealin, postin and trollin son of a gun

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